O Level Courses

GCSE O Level Biology Course Tests - Topics

GCSE O Level Biology Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) PDF

The GCSE O Level Biology Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) with Answers PDF (GCSE Biology MCQ PDF e-Book) download to learn gcse biology online courses for interviews, job tests and competitive exams. The GCSE O Level Biology MCQs App Download: Free learning app for Mammalian Skin, Photosynthesis in Plants, O Level Biology, Mode of action of heart, Epigeal and Hypogeal Germination, and many more topics for online learning. Free download "GCSE O Level Biology" App (Android & iOS) with GCSE O Level Biology MCQs & Quizzes from GCSE Biology textbook topics as:

Test 1: Transport in Flowering Plants MCQs
5 MCQ Questions
Test 2: Acclimatization to High Attitudes MCQs
3 MCQ Questions
Test 3: Adaptations in Small intestine MCQs
2 MCQ Questions
Test 4: Aerobic respiration and its waste MCQs
2 MCQ Questions
Test 5: Amino acid in Biology MCQs
5 MCQ Questions
Test 6: Anaerobic Respiration MCQs
4 MCQ Questions
Test 7: Anaesthetics and Analgesics MCQs
2 MCQ Questions
Test 8: Anemia and Minerals MCQs
4 MCQ Questions
Test 9: Antibiotics: Penicillin Production MCQs
5 MCQ Questions
Test 10: Artificial Methods of Vegetative Reproduction MCQs
10 MCQ Questions
Test 11: Asexual reproduction MCQs
5 MCQ Questions
Test 12: Atmospheric Pollution MCQs
6 MCQ Questions
Test 13: Average Daily Mineral intake MCQs
5 MCQ Questions
Test 14: Bacteria Structure MCQs
5 MCQ Questions
Test 15: Bacteria: Structure and Types MCQs
9 MCQ Questions
Test 16: Balanced Diet and Food Values MCQs
6 MCQ Questions
Test 17: Basal Metabolism MCQs
9 MCQ Questions
Test 18: Bile: Origination and Functions MCQs
4 MCQ Questions
Test 19: Biological Molecules MCQs
5 MCQ Questions
Test 20: Biological Science MCQs
5 MCQ Questions
Test 21: Biology Basics MCQs
5 MCQ Questions
Test 22: Biology Exam MCQs
6 MCQ Questions
Test 23: Biology Learning Online MCQs
6 MCQ Questions
Test 24: Biology Online MCQs
8 MCQ Questions
Test 25: Biology Practice Questions MCQs
6 MCQ Questions
Test 26: Biology Practice Test MCQs
8 MCQ Questions
Test 27: Biology Questions Answers MCQs
9 MCQ Questions
Test 28: Biology Subjective Test MCQs
8 MCQ Questions
Test 29: Biology Test Online MCQs
8 MCQ Questions
Test 30: Biology Test Questions MCQs
5 MCQ Questions
Test 31: Biology Tests Online MCQs
6 MCQ Questions
Test 32: Biology: Fats MCQs
5 MCQ Questions
Test 33: Biotechnology and Fermentation Products: Biology MCQs
7 MCQ Questions
Test 34: Biotechnology: Fermentation Products MCQs
5 MCQ Questions
Test 35: Biotic and Abiotic Environment MCQs
9 MCQ Questions
Test 36: Biotic and Abiotic in Ecology MCQs
5 MCQ Questions
Test 37: Biotic Environments MCQs
4 MCQ Questions
Test 38: Blood and Plasma MCQs
6 MCQ Questions
Test 39: Blood Clotting: O Level Biology MCQs
5 MCQ Questions
Test 40: Blood Platelets MCQs
5 MCQ Questions
Test 41: Blood Pressure Testing MCQs
5 MCQ Questions
Test 42: Blood Pressures MCQs
5 MCQ Questions
Test 43: Body Muscles MCQs
5 MCQ Questions
Test 44: Brain of Mammal: Forebrain MCQs
4 MCQ Questions
Test 45: Brain of Mammal: Hindbrain MCQs
3 MCQ Questions
Test 46: Branches of Biotechnology MCQs
9 MCQ Questions
Test 47: Caecum & Chyle MCQs
4 MCQ Questions
Test 48: Carbohydrate in Biology MCQs
5 MCQ Questions
Test 49: Carbon Cycle and Fossil Fuels MCQs
3 MCQ Questions
Test 50: Carboxyhaemoglobin MCQs
4 MCQ Questions
Test 51: Causes of Pollution: Biology MCQs
8 MCQ Questions
Test 52: Cell Biology MCQs
5 MCQ Questions
Test 53: Cell Structure MCQs
5 MCQ Questions
Test 54: Cell: Structure and Function MCQs
5 MCQ Questions
Test 55: Cells: Building Blocks of Life MCQs
3 MCQ Questions
Test 56: Cellulose Digestion MCQs
4 MCQ Questions
Test 57: Central Nervous System MCQs
3 MCQ Questions
Test 58: Characteristics of Energy MCQs
2 MCQ Questions
Test 59: Characteristics of Enzymes MCQs
4 MCQ Questions
Test 60: Circulatory system MCQs
17 MCQ Questions
Test 61: Classification of Enzymes MCQs
12 MCQ Questions
Test 62: College Biology MCQs
6 MCQ Questions
Test 63: Condensation Reaction MCQs
3 MCQ Questions
Test 64: Conditions Essential for Photosynthesis MCQs
8 MCQ Questions
Test 65: Conservation: Fishing Grounds MCQs
3 MCQ Questions
Test 66: Conservation: Forests and Renewable Resources MCQs
4 MCQ Questions
Test 67: Conservation: Renewable Resources MCQs
8 MCQ Questions
Test 68: Controlling Entry of Light MCQs
2 MCQ Questions
Test 69: Daily Energy Requirements MCQs
2 MCQ Questions
Test 70: Decomposers in Nature MCQs
5 MCQ Questions
Test 71: Decomposition in Biology MCQs
4 MCQ Questions
Test 72: Deforestation and Pollution MCQs
5 MCQ Questions
Test 73: Deforestation, Air and Water Pollution MCQs
3 MCQ Questions
Test 74: Denaturation of Enzymes MCQs
2 MCQ Questions
Test 75: Diabetes MCQs
2 MCQ Questions
Test 76: Differentiation: Tissues MCQs
2 MCQ Questions
Test 77: Digestion Process MCQs
5 MCQ Questions
Test 78: Digestion: Enzyme Catalyzed Process MCQs
10 MCQ Questions
Test 79: Disaccharides and complex sugars MCQs
2 MCQ Questions
Test 80: Disadvantages of Excess Vitamins MCQs
5 MCQ Questions
Test 81: Disease caused by protein deficiency MCQs
2 MCQ Questions
Test 82: Dormancy and Seed Germination MCQs
22 MCQ Questions
Test 83: Double circulation in mammals MCQs
4 MCQ Questions
Test 84: Drug Types MCQs
5 MCQ Questions
Test 85: Drugs of Abuse MCQs
2 MCQ Questions
Test 86: Ecology and Environment MCQs
5 MCQ Questions
Test 87: Effects of Alcohol MCQs
4 MCQ Questions
Test 88: Effects of pH on enzymes MCQs
9 MCQ Questions
Test 89: Effects of temperature in enzymes MCQs
3 MCQ Questions
Test 90: Energy requirements MCQs
5 MCQ Questions
Test 91: Energy Types in ecological pyramids MCQs
5 MCQ Questions
Test 92: Energy Units MCQs
2 MCQ Questions
Test 93: Enzymes: O Level Biology MCQs
5 MCQ Questions
Test 94: Epidermis and Homeostasis MCQs
5 MCQ Questions
Test 95: Epigeal and Hypogeal Germination MCQs
19 MCQ Questions
Test 96: Eutrophication: O Level Biology MCQs
5 MCQ Questions
Test 97: Exam Preparation: Biology MCQs
6 MCQ Questions
Test 98: Examples of Homeostasis in Man MCQs
5 MCQ Questions
Test 99: Excretion and Egestion MCQs
7 MCQ Questions
Test 100: Excretion in Biology MCQs
5 MCQ Questions
Test 101: Factors affecting enzymes MCQs
5 MCQ Questions
Test 102: Facts about Smoking MCQs
7 MCQ Questions
Test 103: Fast Learning Biology MCQs
6 MCQ Questions
Test 104: Fat rich foods MCQs
3 MCQ Questions
Test 105: Fats and Health MCQs
2 MCQ Questions
Test 106: Features of sexual reproduction in animals MCQs
3 MCQ Questions
Test 107: Fermentation: O Level Biology MCQs
4 MCQ Questions
Test 108: Fertilization and Post Fertilization Changes MCQs
22 MCQ Questions
Test 109: Food Chain and Web MCQs
5 MCQ Questions
Test 110: Formation of urine MCQs
3 MCQ Questions
Test 111: Free Online Biology MCQs
6 MCQ Questions
Test 112: Fructose and Disaccharides MCQs
2 MCQ Questions
Test 113: Function and shape of RBCs MCQs
3 MCQ Questions
Test 114: Function of ADH MCQs
2 MCQ Questions
Test 115: Function of Assimilation MCQs
2 MCQ Questions
Test 116: Function of Enzyme: Pepsin MCQs
3 MCQ Questions
Test 117: Function of Enzyme: Trypsinogen MCQs
2 MCQ Questions
Test 118: Function of Enzymes MCQs
7 MCQ Questions
Test 119: Functions and Composition MCQs
5 MCQ Questions
Test 120: Functions of liver MCQs
5 MCQ Questions
Test 121: Functions of stomach MCQs
3 MCQ Questions
Test 122: Fungi: Mode of Life MCQs
7 MCQ Questions
Test 123: Fungi: O Level Biology MCQs
9 MCQ Questions
Test 124: Fungus MCQs
2 MCQ Questions
Test 125: Gastric Juice MCQs
5 MCQ Questions
Test 126: GCE Biology MCQs
6 MCQ Questions
Test 127: GCE O Levels Biology MCQs
6 MCQ Questions
Test 128: GCSE Biology MCQs
8 MCQ Questions
Test 129: General Nutrition MCQs
3 MCQ Questions
Test 130: Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology MCQs
9 MCQ Questions
Test 131: Genetically Modified Organisms MCQs
8 MCQ Questions
Test 132: Glucose formation MCQs
5 MCQ Questions
Test 133: Glycerol MCQs
3 MCQ Questions
Test 134: Glycogen MCQs
5 MCQ Questions
Test 135: Habitat specialization due to salinity MCQs
15 MCQ Questions
Test 136: Health Pyramid MCQs
7 MCQ Questions
Test 137: Heart: O Level Biology MCQs
28 MCQ Questions
Test 138: Heat Loss Prevention MCQs
5 MCQ Questions
Test 139: Herbaceous and Woody Plants MCQs
8 MCQ Questions
Test 140: Herbicides: O Level Biology MCQs
4 MCQ Questions
Test 141: Heroin Effects MCQs
3 MCQ Questions
Test 142: Holozoic Nutrition MCQs
4 MCQ Questions
Test 143: Hormones: Endocrine Glands MCQs
44 MCQ Questions
Test 144: Human Biology MCQs
5 MCQ Questions
Test 145: Human Heart MCQs
5 MCQ Questions
Test 146: Human Respiration MCQs
17 MCQ Questions
Test 147: Hydrolysis MCQs
6 MCQ Questions
Test 148: Industrial Biotechnology MCQs
4 MCQ Questions
Test 149: Insect Pollination MCQs
5 MCQ Questions
Test 150: Internal Skeleton MCQs
3 MCQ Questions
Test 151: Internal Structure of Eye MCQs
9 MCQ Questions
Test 152: Introduction to Biology MCQs
15 MCQ Questions
Test 153: Introduction to Biotechnology MCQs
8 MCQ Questions
Test 154: Kidneys as Osmoregulators MCQs
9 MCQ Questions
Test 155: Lactose MCQs
5 MCQ Questions
Test 156: Layers of Epidermis MCQs
4 MCQ Questions
Test 157: Leaf Adaptations for Photosynthesis MCQs
4 MCQ Questions
Test 158: Learning Biology MCQs
6 MCQ Questions
Test 159: Learning with Biology MCQs
6 MCQ Questions
Test 160: Limiting factors MCQs
5 MCQ Questions
Test 161: Liver in Biology MCQs
5 MCQ Questions
Test 162: Main Arteries of Body MCQs
4 MCQ Questions
Test 163: Main Veins of Body MCQs
5 MCQ Questions
Test 164: Male Reproductive System MCQs
13 MCQ Questions
Test 165: Mammalian Digestive System MCQs
4 MCQ Questions
Test 166: Mammalian Eye MCQs
10 MCQ Questions
Test 167: Mammalian Skin MCQs
42 MCQ Questions
Test 168: Mammalian Urinary System MCQs
5 MCQ Questions
Test 169: Medical Drugs: Antibiotics MCQs
5 MCQ Questions
Test 170: Meningitis MCQs
4 MCQ Questions
Test 171: Microorganisms MCQs
5 MCQ Questions
Test 172: Mineral Nutrition in Plants MCQs
4 MCQ Questions
Test 173: Mineral Salts MCQs
5 MCQ Questions
Test 174: Mode of action of heart MCQs
13 MCQ Questions
Test 175: Molecular Biology MCQs
9 MCQ Questions
Test 176: Mouth and Buccal Cavity MCQs
10 MCQ Questions
Test 177: Mucus MCQs
3 MCQ Questions
Test 178: Natural Vegetative Propagation in Flowering Plants MCQs
13 MCQ Questions
Test 179: Nervous Tissue MCQs
5 MCQ Questions
Test 180: Nutrients MCQs
3 MCQ Questions
Test 181: Nutrition Vitamins MCQs
5 MCQ Questions
Test 182: Nutrition: Glycogen MCQs
2 MCQ Questions
Test 183: Nutrition: Introduction MCQs
9 MCQ Questions
Test 184: O Level 2014 Biology MCQs
6 MCQ Questions
Test 185: O Level Biology MCQs
6 MCQ Questions
Test 186: O Level Biology Questions MCQs
5 MCQ Questions
Test 187: Oesophagus MCQs
3 MCQ Questions
Test 188: Online Education: Biology MCQs
6 MCQ Questions
Test 189: Ordinary Level Biology MCQs
6 MCQ Questions
Test 190: Organ Transplantion and Rejection MCQs
4 MCQ Questions
Test 191: Ovary and Pistil MCQs
4 MCQ Questions
Test 192: Oxidation and Respiration MCQs
6 MCQ Questions
Test 193: Oxygen Debt MCQs
4 MCQ Questions
Test 194: Parasite Diseases MCQs
5 MCQ Questions
Test 195: Parasitism: Malarial Pathogen MCQs
14 MCQ Questions
Test 196: Parts of Flower MCQs
24 MCQ Questions
Test 197: Pesticides: O Level Biology MCQs
5 MCQ Questions
Test 198: Photolysis MCQs
3 MCQ Questions
Test 199: Photons in Photosynthesis MCQs
3 MCQ Questions
Test 200: Photosynthesis in Plants MCQs
8 MCQ Questions
Test 201: Photosynthesis: O Level Biology MCQs
5 MCQ Questions
Test 202: Physical Environment: Ecology MCQs
10 MCQ Questions
Test 203: Physical Environment: Water MCQs
5 MCQ Questions
Test 204: Piliferous Layer MCQs
3 MCQ Questions
Test 205: Pollination in Flowers MCQs
4 MCQ Questions
Test 206: Pollution Causes MCQs
5 MCQ Questions
Test 207: Pollution: BOD and Eutrophication MCQs
5 MCQ Questions
Test 208: Pollution: Carbon Monoxide MCQs
4 MCQ Questions
Test 209: Pollution: Causes of Pollution MCQs
5 MCQ Questions
Test 210: Pollution: Inorganic Wastes as Cause MCQs
6 MCQ Questions
Test 211: Pollution: Pesticides and DDT MCQs
7 MCQ Questions
Test 212: Pollution: Sewage as Cause MCQs
7 MCQ Questions
Test 213: Pollution: Smog as Cause MCQs
5 MCQ Questions
Test 214: Poppies, Opium and Heroin MCQs
4 MCQ Questions
Test 215: Production of Antibodies MCQs
9 MCQ Questions
Test 216: Protein Sources MCQs
6 MCQ Questions
Test 217: Proteins MCQs
7 MCQ Questions
Test 218: Pyramid of energy MCQs
6 MCQ Questions
Test 219: Rate of Reaction and Enzyme Activity MCQs
4 MCQ Questions
Test 220: Recycling: Waste Disposal MCQs
6 MCQ Questions
Test 221: Red Blood Cells and Haemoglobin MCQs
6 MCQ Questions
Test 222: Red Blood Cells in Mammals MCQs
3 MCQ Questions
Test 223: Reproduction in Plants: Pollination MCQs
11 MCQ Questions
Test 224: Role of blood in transportation MCQs
4 MCQ Questions
Test 225: School Level Biology MCQs
8 MCQ Questions
Test 226: Seed Dispersal: Dispersal by animals MCQs
12 MCQ Questions
Test 227: Seed Dispersal: O Level Biology MCQs
5 MCQ Questions
Test 228: Sensitivity in Biology MCQs
4 MCQ Questions
Test 229: Sensory Neurons MCQs
5 MCQ Questions
Test 230: Sexual and Asexual Reproduction MCQs
6 MCQ Questions
Test 231: Simple Carbohydrates MCQs
5 MCQ Questions
Test 232: Size and Position of Kidneys MCQs
4 MCQ Questions
Test 233: Smoking Related Diseases: Lung Cancer MCQs
6 MCQ Questions
Test 234: Soil Erosion MCQs
2 MCQ Questions
Test 235: Specifity of Enzymes MCQs
5 MCQ Questions
Test 236: Spinal Cord and Nerves MCQs
49 MCQ Questions
Test 237: Spinal Nerves MCQs
5 MCQ Questions
Test 238: Starch MCQs
5 MCQ Questions
Test 239: Starvation and Muscle waste MCQs
3 MCQ Questions
Test 240: Stomach and Pancreas MCQs
2 MCQ Questions
Test 241: Stomata and Functions MCQs
6 MCQ Questions
Test 242: Storage of excess amino acids MCQs
4 MCQ Questions
Test 243: Structure and Function MCQs
5 MCQ Questions
Test 244: Structure of a wind pollinated flower MCQs
25 MCQ Questions
Test 245: Structure of an Insect Pollinated Flower MCQs
12 MCQ Questions
Test 246: Structure of Cell and Protoplasm: Biology MCQs
5 MCQ Questions
Test 247: Structure of Cell: Centrioles MCQs
2 MCQ Questions
Test 248: Structure of Cell: Mitochondrion MCQs
2 MCQ Questions
Test 249: Structure of Cell: Nucleus MCQs
3 MCQ Questions
Test 250: Structure of Cell: Protoplasm MCQs
4 MCQ Questions
Test 251: Structure of Cell: Vacuoles MCQs
4 MCQ Questions
Test 252: Structure of Lamina MCQs
5 MCQ Questions
Test 253: Structure of Mammalian Skin MCQs
35 MCQ Questions
Test 254: Structure of Nephron MCQs
5 MCQ Questions
Test 255: Structure of Root MCQs
7 MCQ Questions
Test 256: Study Biology MCQs
6 MCQ Questions
Test 257: Sugar: Types, Formation and Test MCQs
6 MCQ Questions
Test 258: System of Classification MCQs
6 MCQ Questions
Test 259: Tea and Coffee MCQs
5 MCQ Questions
Test 260: Thyroxin Function MCQs
4 MCQ Questions
Test 261: Tissue Respiration, Gas Exchange and Breathing MCQs
5 MCQ Questions
Test 262: Types of Drugs MCQs
18 MCQ Questions
Test 263: Types of Flowers MCQs
7 MCQ Questions
Test 264: Ultrafiltration MCQs
5 MCQ Questions
Test 265: Vegetative Reproduction in Plants MCQs
5 MCQ Questions
Test 266: Viruses: Biochemical Parasites MCQs
12 MCQ Questions
Test 267: Vitamin Deficiency MCQs
5 MCQ Questions
Test 268: Vitamins and Minerals MCQs
5 MCQ Questions
Test 269: Vitamins D MCQs
4 MCQ Questions
Test 270: Voluntary and Reflex Actions MCQs
14 MCQ Questions
Test 271: Water Transport in Plants MCQs
5 MCQ Questions
Test 272: Weight Reduction Program MCQs
4 MCQ Questions
Test 273: What is Biology MCQs
4 MCQ Questions
Test 274: What is Excretion MCQs
6 MCQ Questions
Test 275: What is Fibrinogen MCQs
3 MCQ Questions
Test 276: What is Nutrition MCQs
8 MCQ Questions
Test 277: What is Respiration MCQs
5 MCQ Questions
Test 278: What is Selective Reabsorption MCQs
10 MCQ Questions
Test 279: What is Transpiration MCQs
5 MCQ Questions
Test 280: White blood cells MCQs
13 MCQ Questions
Test 281: Wind Dispersed Fruits and Seeds MCQs
10 MCQ Questions
Test 282: Wind pollination MCQs
5 MCQ Questions

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