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Energy and Hydraulic Grade Line Quiz Questions and Answers PDF Download eBook p. 1

Energy and Hydraulic Grade Line quiz questions and answers, energy and hydraulic grade line MCQs with answers PDF to solve mechanics worksheet 1 for online graduate programs. Practice Elementary Fluid Dynamics quiz questions with answers, energy and hydraulic grade line Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) to solve mechanics test with answers for engineering online degree programs. Free energy and hydraulic grade line MCQs, viscosity, manometry, measurement of pressure, free jets, energy and hydraulic grade line test prep for best online colleges.

"The sum of pressure head and elevation head is called", energy and hydraulic grade line Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) with choices hydraulic head, energy head, piezo metric head, and all of above to learn online certification courses. Learn elementary fluid dynamics questions and answers with free online certification courses for graduate school interview questions.

Quiz on Energy & Hydraulic Grade Line PDF Download eBook

Energy and Hydraulic Grade Line Quiz

MCQ: The sum of the pressure head and the elevation head is called

  1. Energy head
  2. hydraulic head
  3. piezo metric head
  4. All of above


Free Jets Quiz

MCQ: In vena contracta effect, the diameter of jet is

  1. greater than diameter of hole
  2. lesser than diameter of hole
  3. equal to diameter of hole
  4. two times the diameter of hole


Measurement of pressure Quiz

MCQ: A negative gauge pressure is referred as

  1. suction pressure
  2. vacuum pressure
  3. absolute pressure
  4. Both A and B


Manometry Quiz

MCQ: The device used to measure the difference in pressure between two containers or two points in a given system is

  1. anemometer
  2. U-tube manometer
  3. sphygmomanometer
  4. none of above


Viscosity Quiz

MCQ: Sutherland equation of viscosity is

  1. μ = CT(3/2)/T+S
  2. μ = CT(5/2)/T+S
  3. μ = CT(3/2)/T
  4. μ = CT(3/2)/S