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Control volume and system representation Quizzes Online MCQs PDF Download eBook p. 20

Control volume and system representation quiz questions, control volume and system representation multiple choice questions and answers PDF to prepare mechanics exam worksheet 20 for online certificate programs. Practice Fluid Kinematics quiz with answers, control volume and system representation Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) to solve mechanics test with answers to prepare engineering courses for online degrees. Free control volume and system representation MCQs, rigid body, static, dynamic, stagnation pressure, fluid statistics, energy and hydraulic grade line, control volume and system representation test prep to learn free online courses.

"Time rate of change of a system property is", control volume and system representation Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) with choices eulerian concept, reynolds concept, lagrangian concept, and all of above for online school programs. Learn fluid kinematics questions and answers with free online certification courses for questions to ask during an interview.

Control volume and system representation Questions and Answers PDF Download eBook

Control volume and system representation Quiz

MCQ: The time rate of change of a system property is

  1. Reynolds concept
  2. Eulerian concept
  3. Lagrangian concept
  4. All of above


Energy and Hydraulic Grade Line Quiz

MCQ: For flow below the hydraulic grade line, the pressure is

  1. positive
  2. negative
  3. zero
  4. none of above


Fluid Statistics Quiz

MCQ: Pressure variation in a stationary incompressible fluid is

  1. P1 - P2 = γh
  2. P1 - P2 = γ/h
  3. P1 - P2 = 2γh
  4. P1 - P2 = 1/γh


Static, Dynamic, Stagnation Pressure Quiz

MCQ: The sum of the static pressure, hydrostatic pressure, and dynamic pressure is termed as

  1. total pressure
  2. partial pressure
  3. surface pressure
  4. field pressure


Rigid Body Quiz

MCQ: A fluid contained in a tank that is rotating with a constant angular velocity about an axis will rotate as

  1. rigid body
  2. non rigid body
  3. free body
  4. none of above