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Newton's 2nd Law Quizzes Online MCQs PDF Download eBook p. 8

Newton's 2nd Law quiz questions, newton's 2nd law multiple choice questions and answers PDF to prepare mechanics exam worksheet 8 for online certificate programs. Practice Elementary Fluid Dynamics quiz with answers, newton's 2nd law Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) to solve mechanics test with answers to prepare engineering courses for online degrees. Free newton's 2nd law MCQs, summary, energy and hydraulic grade line, newton's 2nd law test prep for university entrance exam.

"Net pressure force on a particle is determined by", newton's 2nd law Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) with choices total pressure, pressure gradient, pressure curve, and none of above for online graduate programs. Learn elementary fluid dynamics questions and answers with free online certification courses for online engineering graduate colleges.

Newton's 2nd Law Questions and Answers PDF Download eBook

Newton's 2nd Law Quiz

MCQ: The net pressure force on a particle is determined by

  1. pressure gradient
  2. total pressure
  3. pressure curve
  4. none of above


Energy and Hydraulic Grade Line Quiz

MCQ: For flow above the hydraulic grade line, the pressure is

  1. positive
  2. negative
  3. zero
  4. none of above


Summary Quiz

MCQ: Free Jet equation is

  1. v = √2gh
  2. v = √2/gh
  3. v = 1/√2gh
  4. v = √2g


Energy and Hydraulic Grade Line Quiz

MCQ: Under the assumptions of the Bernoulli equation, the energy line is

  1. horizontal
  2. vertical
  3. angular
  4. perpendicular


Confined flows Quiz

MCQ: Cavitation occurs when the pressure is reduced to the

  1. vapor pressure
  2. melting pressure
  3. cooling pressure
  4. none of above