O Level Courses

IGCSE O Level Biology Practice Tests

IGCSE O Level Biology Online Tests

Spinal Cord and Nerves Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) PDF Download

Free Spinal Cord and Nerves Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) with Answers PDF Download (Spinal Cord and Nerves MCQ PDF Book) to learn online igcse biology degree courses. Study Co-ordination and Response: Nervous System in Mammals Multiple Choice Questions and Answers (MCQs), Spinal Cord and Nerves quiz answers PDF to study online GCSE courses. Free learning app: Spinal Cord and Nerves MCQ App Download & e-Book for brain of mammal: hindbrain, spinal cord and nerves test prep for SAT subject tests.

The MCQ: Carbon dioxide (CO2) concentration is measured in blood through; "Spinal Cord and Nerves" App Download (Free) with answers biosensors, receptors in lungs, receptors in esophagus and receptors in blood vessels in neck to study online GCSE courses. Practice spinal cord and nerves quiz questions, download Amazon eBook (Free Sample) for online degree programs.

Spinal Cord and Nerves MCQs: Questions and Answers PDF Download

MCQ 1: Carbon dioxide (CO2) concentration is measured in blood through

A) biosensors
B) receptors in lungs
C) receptors in esophagus
D) receptors in blood vessels in neck

MCQ 2: In coordination system, Neurons

A) make up the nervous tissue
B) differ in size
C) differ in shapes
D) all of above

MCQ 3: Below the cerebellum is

A) hypothalamus
B) pituitary gland
C) Medulla Oblongata
D) midbrain

MCQ 4: In the spinal cord, the impulse is transmitted from receptor neuron to relay neuron via

A) effector neuron
B) pituitary gland
C) synapse
D) sebum

MCQ 5: At intervals, along the length, the spinal cord

A) has myelin sheath
B) has grey matter
C) gives off spinal nerves
D) branches off into dendrites

IGCSE O Level Biology Practice Tests

Spinal Cord and Nerves Learning App & Free Study Apps

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Spinal Cord and Nerves App (Android & iOS)

Spinal Cord and Nerves App (Android & iOS)

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