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IGCSE O Level Biology Practice Tests

IGCSE O Level Biology Online Tests

Biotechnology and Fermentation Products Biology MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions) PDF Download

The Biotechnology and Fermentation Products Biology Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) with Answers PDF (Biotechnology and Fermentation Products Biology MCQ PDF e-Book) download to practice IGCSE O Level Biology Tests. Study Microorganisms and Applications in Biotechnology Multiple Choice Questions and Answers (MCQs), Biotechnology and Fermentation Products Biology quiz answers PDF to study online certification courses. The Biotechnology and Fermentation Products Biology MCQ App Download: Free learning app for biology practice test, antibiotics: penicillin production, microorganisms, biotechnology and fermentation products: biology test prep for ACT test.

The MCQ: Casein is converted to yogurt because of; "Biotechnology and Fermentation Products: Biology" App Download (Free) with answers: Lactic acid; Salicylic acid; Benzoic acid; Picric acid; to study online certification courses. Practice Biotechnology and Fermentation Products Biology Quiz Questions, download Apple eBook (Free Sample) for schools that offer online degrees.

Biotechnology and Fermentation Products Biology MCQ (PDF) Questions Answers Download

MCQ 1:

Single-cell production is enabled through

  1. batch operation systems
  2. continuous operation systems
  3. discontinuous operation system
  4. unique operation system
MCQ 2:

Casein is converted to yogurt because of

  1. lactic acid
  2. salicylic acid
  3. benzoic acid
  4. picric acid
MCQ 3:

During milk fermentation, lactose is converted to lactic acid through

  1. lactobacillus
  2. streptococcus
  3. Lactococcus
  4. Streptobacillus
MCQ 4:

Pruteen is made by mixing bacteria in

  1. ethanol
  2. methanol
  3. Vaseline
  4. petroleum
MCQ 5:

Pellets are made from

  1. dead plants
  2. dead animals
  3. through fungal action
  4. through mixing ethanol and bacteria

IGCSE O Level Biology Practice Tests

Biotechnology and Fermentation Products: Biology Learning App: Free Download Android & iOS

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Biotechnology and Fermentation Products: Biology App (Android & iOS)

Biotechnology and Fermentation Products: Biology App (Android & iOS)

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