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IGCSE O Level Biology Online Tests

Vegetative Reproduction in Plants MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions) PDF Download

The Vegetative Reproduction in Plants Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) with Answers PDF (Vegetative Reproduction in Plants MCQ PDF e-Book) download to practice IGCSE O Level Biology Tests. Study Reproduction in Plants Multiple Choice Questions and Answers (MCQs), Vegetative Reproduction in Plants quiz answers PDF to study online certification courses. The Vegetative Reproduction in Plants MCQ App Download: Free learning app for asexual reproduction, reproduction in plants: pollination, fertilization and post fertilization changes, natural vegetative propagation in flowering plants test prep for free online college courses.

The MCQ: For successful grafting, the stock and scion shall be of; "Vegetative Reproduction in Plants" App Download (Free) with answers: Different species; Same species; Similar groups; Different class; to study online certification courses. Practice Vegetative Reproduction in Plants Quiz Questions, download Apple eBook (Free Sample) for online college bachelor degree.

Vegetative Reproduction in Plants MCQ (PDF) Questions Answers Download

MCQ 1:

Roses can grow successfully if stock and scion are of the

  1. related species
  2. different species
  3. different groups
  4. similar class
MCQ 2:

For successful grafting, the stock and scion shall be of

  1. different species
  2. same species
  3. similar groups
  4. different class
MCQ 3:

Cutting is not suitable for

  1. Lime
  2. Sugar-cane
  3. Oleander
  4. Tapioca
MCQ 4:

Layering can be done on plants such as

  1. bulbs
  2. bougainvillea
  3. Sugar cane
  4. Oleander
MCQ 5:

Artificial methods of reproduction do not include

  1. rhizome
  2. cutting
  3. layering
  4. budding

IGCSE O Level Biology Practice Tests

Vegetative Reproduction in Plants Learning App: Free Download (iOS & Android)

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Vegetative Reproduction in Plants App (Android & iOS)

Vegetative Reproduction in Plants App (Android & iOS)

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