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IGCSE O Level Biology Certification Exam Tests

IGCSE O Level Biology Practice Test 196

Functions of liver Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) PDF Download - 196

The Functions of liver MCQ with Answers PDF (Functions of liver Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) PDF e-Book) download Ch. 12-196 to prepare IGCSE O Level Biology Practice Tests. Study Nutrition in mammals Test PDF, Functions of liver Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) for ACT test prep classes. The Functions of liver MCQ Quiz App Download: Free certification app for functions of liver, vegetative reproduction in plants, conservation: renewable resources, biotic and abiotic environment, excretion in biology test prep to study online schools courses.

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Functions of liver MCQ Quiz with Answers PDF Download: Test 196

MCQ 976:

Bile, secreted by liver is

  1. acidic base
  2. alkaline base
  3. neutral
  4. depends upon the type of food to be digested
MCQ 977:

Cutting is not suitable for

  1. Lime
  2. Sugar-cane
  3. Oleander
  4. Tapioca
MCQ 978:

Yield, vigor and quality of organisms can

  1. improved through more tropical rain forests
  2. improved through more pesticides
  3. offer better resistance to drought
  4. disruption of water and carbon cycles
MCQ 979:

Both abiotic and biotic factors operating in an environment are called as

  1. ecological niche
  2. ecological community
  3. ecosystem
  4. ecology
MCQ 980:

Kidneys are responsible for excretion of

  1. carbon dioxide
  2. creatinine
  3. bile pigments
  4. excess water

IGCSE O Level Biology Exam Prep Tests

Functions of liver Textbook App: Free Download iOS & Android

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Functions of liver App (Android & iOS)

Functions of liver App (Android & iOS)

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