Chapter 6: College Biology Exam Tests
College Biology MCQs - Chapter 6
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The MCQ: The name of antibiotic which is used to lower blood cholesterol made by fungi is; "Fungi - Recyclers Kingdom" App Download (Free) with answers: Clindamycin; Azomycin; Tetracycline; Lovastatin; for 2 year online degrees. Solve Carbohydrates Quiz Questions, download Google eBook (Free Sample) for free online classes.
The name of antibiotic which is used to lower blood cholesterol made by fungi is
Some fungi are poisonous such as death angel (amanita) and Jack-o' lantern mushroom, they are termed as
When the fungal hyphae extend into the soil and penetrate the outer cells of plant root while forming the branches are a type of
Aflatoxins are the most carcinogenic toxins which are produced by
The nuclear fusion in basidium Is done by the process of
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