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MBA Human Resource Management Certification Exam Tests

MBA Human Resource Management Practice Test 51

Incentive Compensation Quiz Questions with Answers PDF Download - 51

The Incentive Compensation Trivia Questions and Answers PDF (Incentive Compensation Quiz Answers PDF e-Book) download Ch. 1-51 to solve MBA Human Resource Management Practice Tests. Learn Compensation Strategies and Practices MCQ Questions PDF, Incentive Compensation Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) to study PMP certification courses. The Incentive Compensation Trivia App Download: Free educational app for incentive compensation, developing jobs: individuals and teams, grievance management, compensation system design, hr performance and benchmarking test prep for 1 year MBA programs.

The Quiz: In an organization, the base pay is classified as being part of; "Incentive Compensation" App (iOS, Android) with answers: Primacy compensation; Direct compensation; Indirect compensation; Recency compensation; for 1 year MBA programs. Study Compensation Strategies and Practices Questions and Answers, Google eBook to download free sample for cheapest MBA programs.

Incentive Compensation Quiz with Answers PDF Download: MCQs 51

MCQ 251:

In an organization, the base pay is classified as being part of

  1. direct compensation
  2. primacy compensation
  3. indirect compensation
  4. recency compensation
MCQ 252:

The addition of new responsibilities regarding management functions such as organizing, planning and evaluating to increase job depth is classified as

  1. job validity
  2. job reliability
  3. job enrichment
  4. job enlargement
MCQ 253:

The situation in which the disputes arose from the labor's contract and different interpretations are settled by third party is called

  1. grievance conciliation
  2. grievance procedures
  3. grievance arbitration
  4. grievance ratification
MCQ 254:

According to traditional compensation approach, the perks and bonuses are

  1. for CEO only
  2. for all employees
  3. for executive only
  4. not for executives
MCQ 255:

The process in which comparison of one's company outputs are made with the one of the best in the similar industry is classified as

  1. primary ratio
  2. secondary ratio
  3. ternary ratio
  4. benchmarking

MBA Human Resource Management Exam Prep Tests

Incentive Compensation Learning App: Free Download Android & iOS

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Incentive Compensation App (Android & iOS)

Incentive Compensation App (Android & iOS)

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