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MBA Human Resource Management Certification Exam Tests

MBA Human Resource Management Practice Test 55

Compensation System Design Quiz Questions with Answers PDF Download - 55

The Compensation System Design Trivia Questions and Answers PDF (Compensation System Design Quiz Answers PDF e-Book) download Ch. 1-55 to solve MBA Human Resource Management Practice Tests. Learn Compensation Strategies and Practices MCQ Questions PDF, Compensation System Design Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) for online management certificate courses. The Compensation System Design Trivia App Download: Free educational app for compensation system design, training development, eeo compliance, recruiting evaluation, nature of job analysis test prep for cheapest MBA programs.

The Quiz: The compensation philosophy according to which the organization increase the salary of employees every year is called; "Compensation System Design" App (iOS, Android) with answers: Entitlement orientation philosophy; Primacy orientation philosophy; Performance orientation philosophy; Recency orientation philosophy; for cheapest MBA programs. Study Compensation Strategies and Practices Questions and Answers, Google eBook to download free sample for one year online MBA.

Compensation System Design Quiz with Answers PDF Download: MCQs 55

MCQ 271:

The compensation philosophy according to which the organization increase the salary of employees every year is called

  1. primacy orientation philosophy
  2. entitlement orientation philosophy
  3. performance orientation philosophy
  4. recency orientation philosophy
MCQ 272:

If the trainers of employees are hired from some external sources such as external consultants and training firms, then this is classified as

  1. in sourcing of training
  2. e-training
  3. outsourcing of training
  4. all of above
MCQ 273:

In the criterion-related validity, if the correlation coefficient of validity test is -0.45 then the test is classified as

  1. bad predictor
  2. bad criterion
  3. good criterion
  4. good predictor
MCQ 274:

The individual hiring percentage from the group of candidates is classified as

  1. success base rate
  2. acceptance rate
  3. selection rate
  4. yield rate
MCQ 275:

The basic characteristics linked to individuals or work teams related to enhanced performance are classified as

  1. affirmative function
  2. shamrock functions
  3. competencies
  4. none of above

MBA Human Resource Management Exam Prep Tests

Compensation System Design Learning App: Free Download Android & iOS

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Compensation System Design App (Android & iOS)

Compensation System Design App (Android & iOS)

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