MBA Business Program Courses

Chapter 11: MBA Human Resource Management Exam Tests

MBA Human Resource Management MCQs - Chapter 11

Performance Management Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) PDF Download - 1

The Performance Management Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) with Answers PDF (Performance Management MCQs PDF e-Book) download Ch. 11-1 to study MBA Human Resource Management Course. Practice Performance Appraisal Uses MCQs, Performance Management trivia questions and answers PDF for getting an MBA. The Performance Management MCQs App Download: Free learning app for employee performance evaluation, performance appraisal rater errors, appraising performance methods career test to study management degree online courses.

The MCQ: The performance appraisals are basically used by organizations to; "Performance Management" App Download (Free) with answers: Administered wages and salaries; Defining needed capabilities; Recruiting employees; Fulfilling staffing needs; for getting an MBA. Solve Employee Selection Interview Quiz Questions, download Google eBook (Free Sample) for least expensive online MBA programs.

Performance Management MCQ with Answers PDF Download: Quiz 1

MCQ 1:

The performance appraisals are basically used by organizations to

  1. defining needed capabilities
  2. administered wages and salaries
  3. recruiting employees
  4. fulfilling staffing needs
MCQ 2:

The employee evaluation, performance evaluation, performance review and employee rating are all terms used to define

  1. criterion appraisal
  2. employee development appraisal
  3. performance appraisal
  4. subjective appraisal
MCQ 3:

The information type which focuses on the accomplishments of employees is classified as

  1. trait based information
  2. behavior based information
  3. results based information
  4. coaching based information
MCQ 4:

The performance appraisal measurement error, in which the prejudices of rater distort the results of rating is classified as

  1. rater bias
  2. halo effect
  3. contrast error
  4. sampling error
MCQ 5:

The forced distribution and ranking are considered as methods of

  1. comparative methods
  2. narrative methods
  3. behavioral methods
  4. category rating methods

Performance Management Learning App: Free Download Android & iOS

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Performance Management App (Android & iOS)

Performance Management App (Android & iOS)

Human Resource Management (MBA) App (Android & iOS)

Human Resource Management (MBA) App (iOS & Android)

Organizational Structure and Design App (Android & iOS)

Organizational Structure and Design App (Android & iOS)

Project Management App (Android & iOS)

Project Management App (iOS & Android)