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MBA Human Resource Management Practice Tests

MBA Human Resource Management Online Tests

Equal Employment Laws and Concepts Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) PDF Download

The Book Equal Employment Laws and Concepts Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) with Answers (Equal Employment Laws and Concepts MCQ PDF Download) free to learn management online courses. Study Legal Framework: Equal Employment Multiple Choice Questions and Answers (MCQs), Equal Employment Laws and Concepts quiz answers PDF for online bachelor degree. The Equal Employment Laws and Concepts MCQ App Download: Free learning app for equal employment opportunity, diversity, equal employment and affirmative action, eeo compliance test prep for online degrees.

The MCQ: Safe, efficient and effective practices necessary for smooth and lawful business operations are classified as; "Equal Employment Laws and Concepts" App Download (Free) with answers retaliation necessity, business necessity, disparate necessity for online bachelor degree. Practice equal employment laws and concepts quiz questions, download Amazon eBook (Free Sample) for affordable online MBA programs.

Equal Employment Laws and Concepts MCQs: Questions and Answers PDF Download

MCQ 1: The safe, efficient and effective practices necessary for smooth and lawful business operations are classified as

  1. retaliation necessity
  2. business necessity
  3. disparate necessity
  4. all of the above

MCQ 2: The fundamental duties related to a person performing a particular job are classified as

  1. job functions
  2. organization efforts
  3. legislative rights
  4. none of the above

MCQ 3: The formal document compiled by the employers which is submitted to enforcement agencies every year is considered as

  1. disparate action plan
  2. legislative action plan
  3. affirmative action plan
  4. retaliation action plan

MCQ 4: The situation in which the punitive steps are taken by the employers against the employees who exercise legal rights is classified as

  1. disparate treatment
  2. discrete behavior
  3. affirmative behavior
  4. retaliation behavior

MCQ 5: The type of analysis which gives the insights about availability of protected class members in labor markets is classified as

  1. availability analysis
  2. utilization analysis
  3. affirmation analysis
  4. disparate analysis

MBA Human Resource Management Practice Tests

Equal Employment Laws and Concepts Learning App & Free Study Apps

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Equal Employment Laws and Concepts App (Android & iOS)

Equal Employment Laws and Concepts App (Android & iOS)

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