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MBA Human Resource Management Practice Test 101

Job Satisfaction and Organizational Commitment Quiz Questions and Answers PDF Download - 101

The Job Satisfaction and Organizational Commitment Quiz Questions and Answers PDF (Job Satisfaction and Organizational Commitment Quiz with Answers PDF e-Book) download Ch. 7-101 to prepare MBA Human Resource Management Practice Tests. Solve Individual Performance and Employee Retention MCQ with answers PDF, Job Satisfaction and Organizational Commitment Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) for top rated online MBA programs. The Job Satisfaction and Organizational Commitment Quiz App Download: Free learning app for job satisfaction and organizational commitment, employees performance, forecasting and demand management, rights and responsibilities issues, designing training plans test prep for getting an MBA.

The Quiz: The kind of turnover which is led by employees who are leaving the organization with their own choice is classified as; "Job Satisfaction & Organizational Commitment" App Download (Free) with answers: Voluntary turnover; Involuntary turnover; Dysfunctional turnover; Functional turnover; for top rated online MBA programs. Learn Individual Performance and Employee Retention Questions and Answers, Apple eBook to download free sample to learn online educational courses.

Job Satisfaction & Organizational Commitment Questions and Answers PDF Download: MCQ 101

MCQ 501:

The kind of turnover which is led by employees who are leaving the organization with their own choice is classified as

  1. involuntary turnover
  2. voluntary turnover
  3. dysfunctional turnover
  4. functional turnover
MCQ 502:

In Herzberg hygiene ⁄ motivation theory, the factors that can cause higher level of dis-satisfaction in a job are classified as

  1. motivators
  2. hygiene factors
  3. performing factors
  4. expectancy factors
MCQ 503:

Considering the forecasting periods, the plans that are for the tenure of more than five years are classified as

  1. intermediate plans
  2. long term plans
  3. short term plans
  4. quantitative plans
MCQ 504:

The rights of employees that are based on laws are classified as

  1. non statutory rights
  2. statutory rights
  3. rights
  4. responsibilities
MCQ 505:

The training technique which discuss the problems such as organizational change, problems in executive development and business practices is classified as

  1. development and innovative training
  2. problem solving and interpersonal
  3. job and technical training
  4. regular training

MBA Human Resource Management Exam Prep Tests

Job Satisfaction & Organizational Commitment Learning App: Free Download Android & iOS

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Job Satisfaction & Organizational Commitment App (Android & iOS)

Job Satisfaction & Organizational Commitment App (Android & iOS)

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Human Resource Management (MBA) App (iOS & Android)

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