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BBA Marketing Management Certification Exam Tests

BBA Marketing Management Practice Test 107

Components of Modern Marketing information System Quiz Questions with Answers PDF Download - 107

The Components of Modern Marketing information System Trivia Questions and Answers PDF (Components of Modern Marketing information System Quiz Answers PDF e-Book) download Ch. 3-107 to solve BBA Marketing Management Practice Tests. Learn Collecting Information and Forecasting Demand MCQ Questions PDF, Components of Modern Marketing information System Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) to learn marketing certificate courses. The Components of Modern Marketing information System Trivia App Download: Free educational app for components of modern marketing information system, key psychological processes, product characteristics and classifications test prep for online bachelor degree programs in business administration.

The Quiz: Motivating retailers and collection of intelligence by hiring external experts are the part of; "Components of Modern Marketing information System" App (iOS, Android) with answers: Market record system; Market development system; Marketing intelligence system; Market information system; for online bachelor degree programs in business administration. Study Collecting Information and Forecasting Demand Questions and Answers, Google eBook to download free sample to learn free online courses.

Components of Modern Marketing information System Quiz with Answers PDF Download: MCQs 107

MCQ 531:

Motivating retailers and collection of intelligence by hiring external experts are the part of

  1. market development system
  2. market record system
  3. marketing intelligence system
  4. market information system
MCQ 532:

The minor stimuli that determines when and where customer responds is classified as

  1. drive
  2. motivation
  3. learning
  4. cues
MCQ 533:

The perceptual process in which the potential customers relate ads to their customer needs is classified as

  1. selective attention
  2. selective noticing
  3. selective shopping
  4. selective ad watching
MCQ 534:

The example of products include

  1. experiences and events
  2. information and ideas
  3. properties and organizations
  4. all of the above
MCQ 535:

The people who don't have to spend much on products are considered as

  1. savvy shoppers
  2. non-savvy shoppers
  3. enthusiast
  4. non-enthusiast

BBA Marketing Management Exam Prep Tests

Components of Modern Marketing information System Learning App: Free Download Android & iOS

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Components of Modern Marketing information System App (Android & iOS)

Components of Modern Marketing information System App (Android & iOS)

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