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Theory of Risk and Return MCQs (Multiple Choice Questions) PDF Download - 110

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Theory of Risk & Return MCQ with Answers PDF Download: Quiz 110

MCQ 546:

The rational traders immediately sell the stock when the price is

  1. conditional
  2. inefficient portfolio
  3. too low
  4. too high
MCQ 547:

An interest rate which is used in the calculation of cash flows of bonds is called

  1. required rate of redemption
  2. required rate of earnings
  3. required rate of return
  4. required option
MCQ 548:

The gross fixed asset expenditures is $6000 and the free cash flow is $8000 then the operating cash flows will be

  1. −$14000
  2. 2000
  3. 14000
  4. −$2000
MCQ 549:

The information which is reflected in current market prices with the help of past price movements is classified as

  1. market efficiency
  2. semi strong efficiency
  3. weak form efficiency
  4. strong form efficiency
MCQ 550:

The price earnings ratio and price by cash flow ratio are classified as

  1. marginal ratios
  2. equity ratios
  3. return ratios
  4. market value ratios

Financial Management Exam Prep Tests

Theory of Risk & Return Textbook App: Free Download iOS & Android

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Theory of Risk & Return App (Android & iOS)

Theory of Risk & Return App (Android & iOS)

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