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BBA Marketing Management Certification Exam Tests

BBA Marketing Management Practice Test 105

Diversification Strategy Quiz Questions and Answers PDF Download - 105

The Diversification Strategy Quiz Questions and Answers PDF (Diversification Strategy Quiz with Answers PDF e-Book) download Ch. 10-105 to prepare BBA Marketing Management Practice Tests. Solve Developing Marketing Strategies and Plans MCQ with answers PDF, Diversification Strategy Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) for online college courses. The Diversification Strategy Quiz App Download: Free learning app for diversification strategy, five stage model in buying decision process, key psychological processes, competitive strategies for market leaders, consumer goods classification test prep for accredited online business administration degree.

The Quiz: The strategies such as diversification, penetration and market development are the part of; "Diversification Strategy" App Download (Free) with answers: Intensive growth; Extensive growth; Integrative growth; Disintegrative growth; for online college courses. Learn Developing Marketing Strategies and Plans Questions and Answers, Apple eBook to download free sample for online graduate programs.

Diversification Strategy Questions and Answers PDF Download: MCQ 105

MCQ 521:

The strategies such as diversification, penetration and market development are the part of

  1. extensive growth
  2. intensive growth
  3. integrative growth
  4. disintegrative growth
MCQ 522:

The sales frequency of product represents the

  1. product consumption rate
  2. product life cycle
  3. product age
  4. seller's decision
MCQ 523:

The perceptual process in which customers notice price deviation as stimulus is classified as

  1. selective shopping
  2. selective ad watching
  3. selective attention
  4. selective noticing
MCQ 524:

The marketer who looks forward for the customer's needs in near future is classified as

  1. creative marketers
  2. market driven marketers
  3. responsive marketers
  4. anticipative marketers
MCQ 525:

The kind of convenience goods that are purchased by consumers on regular basis are classified as

  1. homogeneous goods
  2. emergency goods
  3. impulse goods
  4. staples

BBA Marketing Management Exam Prep Tests

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Diversification Strategy App (Android & iOS)

Diversification Strategy App (Android & iOS)

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