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MBA Human Resource Management Practice Tests

MBA Human Resource Management Online Tests

Recruiting Evaluation MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions) PDF Download

The Recruiting Evaluation Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) with Answers PDF (Recruiting Evaluation MCQ PDF e-Book) download to practice MBA Human Resource Management Tests. Learn Labor Markets Recruiting Multiple Choice Questions and Answers (MCQs), Recruiting Evaluation quiz answers PDF to study online schools courses. The Recruiting Evaluation MCQ App Download: Free learning app for labor markets, strategic recruiting decisions, internal recruiting test prep for full time MBA.

The MCQ: In recruitment costs, the costs such as salaries of operating managers and public relation managers are classified as; "Recruiting Evaluation" App Download (Free) with answers: Direct costs; Indirect costs; Labor costs; Marginal costs; to study online schools courses. Practice Recruiting Evaluation Quiz Questions, download Google eBook (Free Sample) for master's degree in business administration.

Recruiting Evaluation MCQs PDF: Questions Answers Download

MCQ 1:

The rate which is used to represent that how much the organization is successful at hiring the candidates is classified as

  1. selection rate
  2. yield rate
  3. success base rate
  4. acceptance rate
MCQ 2:

In recruitment costs, the costs such as salaries of operating managers and public relation managers are classified as

  1. direct costs
  2. indirect costs
  3. labor costs
  4. marginal costs
MCQ 3:

The individual hiring percentage from the group of candidates is classified as

  1. success base rate
  2. acceptance rate
  3. selection rate
  4. yield rate
MCQ 4:

In recruitment costs, the agency fees, recruitment advertisement and salaries of recruiters is classified as

  1. direct costs
  2. indirect costs
  3. pool collection cost
  4. none of above
MCQ 5:

The comparison between the numbers of applications at each preceding stage of recruitment process is classified as

  1. initialization ratio
  2. resultant ratio
  3. application ratio
  4. yield ratios

MBA Human Resource Management Practice Tests

Recruiting Evaluation Learning App: Free Download Android & iOS

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Recruiting Evaluation App (Android & iOS)

Recruiting Evaluation App (Android & iOS)

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