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MBA Human Resource Management Online Tests

HRM Selection and Placement MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions) PDF Download

The HRM Selection and Placement Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) with Answers PDF (HRM Selection and Placement MCQ PDF e-Book) download to practice MBA Human Resource Management Tests. Study Selecting and Placing Human Resources Multiple Choice Questions and Answers (MCQs), HRM Selection and Placement quiz answers PDF to learn online training courses. The HRM Selection and Placement MCQ App Download: Free learning app for hrm: selection and placement, selection process test prep for best business schools.

The MCQ: The procedure of fitting the right person into the right job is classified as; "HRM: Selection and Placement" App Download (Free) with answers: Placement of employees; Interviewing applicants; Maintaining records; Administering tests; to learn online training courses. Practice HRM Selection and Placement Quiz Questions, download Apple eBook (Free Sample) for online MBA degree.

HRM Selection and Placement MCQ (PDF) Questions Answers Download

MCQ 1:

The process of matching the characteristics of job to the skills, abilities and knowledge of the individual is classified as

  1. selection yield fit
  2. success-acceptance fit
  3. person-organization fit
  4. person-job fit
MCQ 2:

The procedure of fitting the right person into the right job is classified as

  1. placement of employees
  2. interviewing applicants
  3. maintaining records
  4. administering tests
MCQ 3:

The correspondence between organizational factors and the individual employees is classified as

  1. person-organization fit
  2. person-job fit
  3. selection yield fit
  4. success-acceptance fit
MCQ 4:

The characteristic which is a must requirement to perform any job successfully is classified as

  1. selection compression
  2. selection criterion
  3. selection predictor
  4. both B and C
MCQ 5:

The purpose of selection for an organization is

  1. maintain records
  2. administering tests
  3. placement of employees
  4. interviewing applicants

MBA Human Resource Management Practice Tests

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HRM: Selection and Placement App (Android & iOS)

HRM: Selection and Placement App (Android & iOS)

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