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MBA Human Resource Management Practice Test 17

EEO Compliance Quiz Questions and Answers PDF Download - 17

The EEO Compliance Quiz Questions and Answers PDF (EEO Compliance Quiz with Answers PDF e-Book) download Ch. 9-17 to prepare MBA Human Resource Management Practice Tests. Solve Legal Framework Equal Employment MCQ with answers PDF, EEO Compliance Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) for fastest online MBA program. The EEO Compliance Quiz App Download: Free learning app for eeo compliance, management development, developing jobs: individuals and teams, labor markets, employee relationship test prep for online degrees.

The Quiz MCQ: The validity test which is used to represent the relationship between job performance of employees and abstract characteristic is classified as; "EEO Compliance" App Download (Free) with answers: Direct validity; Inverse validity; Correlated validity; Construct validity; for fastest online MBA program. Learn Legal Framework Equal Employment Questions and Answers, Apple eBook to download free sample for bachelor in management online.

EEO Compliance Questions and Answers PDF Download: MCQ 17

MCQ 81:

The validity test which is used to represent the relationship between job performance of employees and abstract characteristic is classified as

  1. inverse validity
  2. direct validity
  3. correlated validity
  4. construct validity
MCQ 82:

In the mentoring relationships, the first mentoring stage which consists of six to twelve months period is classified as

  1. initiation
  2. cultivation
  3. separation
  4. redefinition
MCQ 83:

The extent to which the different tasks are required to complete the work successfully is classified as

  1. skill variety
  2. job variety
  3. design variety
  4. enrichment variety
MCQ 84:

In an organization, the process of qualified individuals' pool generation for specific job is classified as

  1. staffing
  2. recruiting
  3. analyzing
  4. leading
MCQ 85:

The panel of employees who get statements from other disciplined subordinates to make decisions is called

  1. peer review panel
  2. instructive panel
  3. constructive panel
  4. distributive panel

MBA Human Resource Management Exam Prep Tests

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