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BBA Marketing Management Certification Exam Tests

BBA Marketing Management Practice Test 23

Marketing Research Process Quiz Questions with Answers PDF Download - 23

The Marketing Research Process Trivia Questions and Answers PDF (Marketing Research Process Quiz Answers PDF e-Book) download Ch. 5-23 to solve BBA Marketing Management Practice Tests. Learn Conducting Marketing Research MCQ Questions PDF, Marketing Research Process Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) for digital marketing masters programs. The Marketing Research Process Trivia App Download: Free educational app for marketing research process, developing brand positioning, initiating price increases test prep for business management degree online.

The Quiz: The type of research in which researcher observes customer's databases and catalog purchases is said to be; "Marketing Research Process" App (iOS, Android) with answers: Experimental research; Behavioral research; Survey groups; Focus group; for business management degree online. Study Conducting Marketing Research Questions and Answers, Google eBook to download free sample for online business management classes.

Marketing Research Process Quiz with Answers PDF Download: MCQs 23

MCQ 111:

The type of research in which researcher observes customer's databases and catalog purchases is said to be

  1. behavioral research
  2. experimental research
  3. survey groups
  4. focus group
MCQ 112:

A company's ability to perform in more than one way, but competitor's cannot match is classified as

  1. comparative advantage
  2. competitive advantage
  3. announcing advantage
  4. relying advantage
MCQ 113:

A company's survey to access people's knowledge, preferences and beliefs are classified as

  1. survey research
  2. focus group researcher
  3. ethnographic research
  4. observational research
MCQ 114:

The price increasing technique in which company sell goods in a bundle start, included in bundle separately is classified as

  1. reduction of discounts
  2. unbundling
  3. delayed quotation pricing
  4. escalator clauses
MCQ 115:

The type of buyer and supplier relationship that are together in operational ways is classified as

  1. operational systems
  2. cooperative systems
  3. structural commitment
  4. structural adaptation

BBA Marketing Management Exam Prep Tests

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