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MBA Human Resource Management Certification Exam Tests

MBA Human Resource Management Practice Test 93

HRM: Selection and Placement Quiz Questions and Answers PDF Download - 93

The HRM Selection and Placement Quiz Questions and Answers PDF (HRM Selection and Placement Quiz with Answers PDF e-Book) download Ch. 12-93 to prepare MBA Human Resource Management Practice Tests. Solve Selecting and Placing Human Resources MCQ with answers PDF, HRM Selection and Placement Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) for top online MBA programs. The HRM: Selection and Placement Quiz App Download: Free learning app for hrm: selection and placement, nature of labor unions, international compensation, retirement benefit plan, employee global assignments test prep for most affordable online MBA programs.

The Quiz MCQ: The purpose of selection for an organization is; "HRM: Selection & Placement" App Download (Free) with answers: Administering tests; Maintain records; Placement of employees; Interviewing applicants; for top online MBA programs. Learn Selecting and Placing Human Resources Questions and Answers, Apple eBook to download free sample to study management degree online courses.

HRM: Selection & Placement Questions and Answers PDF Download: MCQ 93

MCQ 461:

The purpose of selection for an organization is

  1. maintain records
  2. administering tests
  3. placement of employees
  4. interviewing applicants
MCQ 462:

The union whose members perform one type of work using special training and skills is classified as

  1. craft union
  2. industrial union
  3. distributive union
  4. competing union
MCQ 463:

The compensation plan which is used to protect expatriate employees from any negative consequence of tax is classified as

  1. cash flow equalization plan
  2. tax equalization plan
  3. balance equalization plan
  4. income equalization plan
MCQ 464:

In pension plans for employees, the special account through which the funds are remained nontaxable until the employee retires is classified as

  1. Keogh retirement account
  2. vesting account
  3. portability account
  4. individual retirement account
MCQ 465:

In global assignments, if the individuals are sent to perform some limited tasks and then return to their home country then this assignment is called

  1. functional assignments
  2. technical assignments
  3. development assignments
  4. transnational assignments

MBA Human Resource Management Exam Prep Tests

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