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BBA Human Resource Management Practice Test 46

Dealing with Performance Appraisal Problems MCQs (Multiple Choice Questions) PDF Download - 46

The Dealing with Performance Appraisal Problems Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) with Answers PDF (Dealing with Performance Appraisal Problems MCQs PDF e-Book) download Ch. 14-46 to solve BBA Human Resource Management Practice Tests. Study Performance Management and Appraisal quiz answers PDF, Dealing with Performance Appraisal Problems Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) to study PMP certification courses. The Dealing with Performance Appraisal Problems MCQs App Download: Free educational app for dealing with performance appraisal problems, managing organizational change programs, managing your career and finding a job test prep for online degrees.

The MCQs: The advantage of 'graphic rating scale method' is that; it is; "Dealing with Performance Appraisal Problems" App (Android, iOS) with answers: Avoids central tendency and biases; Simple to use; Ends up with predetermined rating figures; An ongoing basis evaluation; to study PMP certification courses. Practice Performance Management and Appraisal Questions and Answers, Google eBook to download free sample for online college classes.

Dealing with Performance Appraisal Problems MCQ with Answers PDF Download: Quiz 46

MCQ 226:

The advantage of 'graphic rating scale method' is that; it is

  1. simple to use
  2. avoids central tendency and biases
  3. ends up with predetermined rating figures
  4. an ongoing basis evaluation
MCQ 227:

Career planning and development is an example of

  1. human process intervention
  2. techno structural interventions
  3. strategic intervention
  4. HRM interventions
MCQ 228:

The 'refreezing stage' considers

  1. mobilize commitment
  2. consolidation of gains
  3. creating guiding coalition
  4. reinforcement of new programs
MCQ 229:

The period in which the people act as mentors for younger employees is called

  1. exploration stage
  2. growth stage
  3. midcareer crisis sub stage
  4. decline stage
MCQ 230:

The 'corporate strategy' does not include

  1. diversification
  2. consolidation
  3. cost leadership
  4. vertical integration

BBA Human Resource Management Exam Prep Tests

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Dealing with Performance Appraisal Problems App (Android & iOS)

Dealing with Performance Appraisal Problems App (Android & iOS)

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