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Dealing with Performance Appraisal Problems MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions) PDF Download

The Dealing with Performance Appraisal Problems Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) with Answers PDF (Dealing with Performance Appraisal Problems MCQ PDF e-Book) download to practice BBA Human Resource Management Tests. Study Performance Management and Appraisal Multiple Choice Questions and Answers (MCQs), Dealing with Performance Appraisal Problems quiz answers PDF for bachelor in business management degree. The Dealing with Performance Appraisal Problems MCQ App Download: Free learning app for techniques for appraising performance, appraisal interview, performance appraisal in hrm, conducting appraisal interview test prep for best online business management degree.

The MCQ: The situation, subordinates collude to rate high with each other, known as; "Dealing with Performance Appraisal Problems" App Download (Free) with answers: Logrolling; Dialog rolling; Up rating; Lenient/strict tendency; for bachelor in business management degree. Practice Dealing with Performance Appraisal Problems Quiz Questions, download Apple eBook (Free Sample) for business administration and management colleges.

Dealing with Performance Appraisal Problems MCQ (PDF) Questions Answers Download

MCQ 1:

The main disadvantage of critical incident method is

  1. difficult to develop
  2. cause of disagreements
  3. time consuming
  4. difficult to rate
MCQ 2:

The situation, subordinates collude to rate high with each other, known as

  1. logrolling
  2. dialog rolling
  3. up rating
  4. lenient/strict tendency
MCQ 3:

The disadvantage of Management by Objectives (MBO) method is

  1. difficult to develop
  2. cause of disagreements
  3. time consuming
  4. difficult to rate
MCQ 4:

The advantage of 'graphic rating scale method' is that; it is

  1. simple to use
  2. avoids central tendency and biases
  3. ends up with predetermined rating figures
  4. an ongoing basis evaluation
MCQ 5:

When the rating of employee trait biases its performance on other traits, it is called

  1. halo effect
  2. Deja vu effect
  3. narrow effect
  4. none of above

BBA Human Resource Management Practice Tests

Dealing with Performance Appraisal Problems Learning App: Free Download Android & iOS

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Dealing with Performance Appraisal Problems App (Android & iOS)

Dealing with Performance Appraisal Problems App (Android & iOS)

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