MBA Business Program Courses

Chapter 15: MBA Human Resource Management Exam Tests

MBA Human Resource Management MCQs - Chapter 15

Variable Pay and Executive Compensation Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) PDF Download - 1

The Variable Pay and Executive Compensation Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) with Answers PDF (Variable Pay and Executive Compensation MCQs PDF e-Book) download Ch. 15-1 to study MBA Human Resource Management Course. Practice Individual Incentives MCQs, Variable Pay and Executive Compensation trivia questions and answers PDF for cheapest online MBA. The Variable Pay and Executive Compensation MCQs App Download: Free learning app for sales compensation and incentives, executive compensation career test to study project management courses.

The MCQ: In piece rate systems, the method in which number of units produced are multiplied by piece rate per unit, is classified as; "Variable Pay and Executive Compensation" App Download (Free) with answers: Fixed cost piece rate system; Fixed profit piece rate system; Straight piece rate system; Differential piece rate system; for cheapest online MBA. Solve Employee Relationship Quiz Questions, download Google eBook (Free Sample) for top online MBA programs.

Variable Pay & Executive Compensation MCQ with Answers PDF Download: Quiz 1

MCQ 1:

In piece rate systems, the method in which number of units produced are multiplied by piece rate per unit, is classified as

  1. fixed profit piece rate system
  2. fixed cost piece rate system
  3. straight piece rate system
  4. differential piece rate system
MCQ 2:

The compensation which is calculated as percentage of total revenue generated by the sales is classified as

  1. organization base pay
  2. commission
  3. fixed salary
  4. base pay
MCQ 3:

The plan which gives the right to sell or buy the stock of the organization at fixed price for specific period of time is classified as

  1. employee stock ownership plan
  2. ownership option
  3. stock option
  4. trading options
MCQ 4:

In sales incentives and compensation, the amount which is deducted from future commissions in advance is classified as

  1. draw
  2. commission
  3. base draw
  4. decency draw
MCQ 5:

The non-cash benefits usually reserved for executives of organization are classified as

  1. perks
  2. incentives
  3. bonus plans
  4. options plan

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Variable Pay & Executive Compensation App (Android & iOS)

Variable Pay & Executive Compensation App (Android & iOS)

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