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Introduction to International Relations Course Tests - Topics

Introduction to International Relations Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) PDF

The Introduction to International Relations Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) with Answers PDF (International Relations MCQ PDF e-Book) download to learn international relations online courses for interviews, job tests and competitive exams. The Introduction to International Relations MCQs App Download: Free learning app for Lingering Disputes, Interdependence and Environment, Peace Studies, Human Rights Institutions, Collective Security, and many more topics for online learning. Free download "Introduction to International Relations" App (Android & iOS) with Introduction to International Relations MCQs & Quizzes from International Relations textbook topics as:

Test 1: A Purpose of Alliance MCQs
17 Quiz Questions
Test 2: About Money MCQs
6 Quiz Questions
Test 3: Actors and Influences MCQs
1 Quiz Questions
Test 4: AIDS MCQs
1 Quiz Questions
Test 5: Air Forces MCQs
6 Quiz Questions
Test 6: Airspace MCQs
2 Quiz Questions
Test 7: Anarchy and Sovereignty MCQs
20 Quiz Questions
Test 8: Antarctica MCQs
1 Quiz Questions
Test 9: Armed Islamist Groups MCQs
15 Quiz Questions
Test 10: Armies MCQs
1 Quiz Questions
Test 11: Atmosphere MCQs
1 Quiz Questions
Test 12: Autarky MCQs
4 Quiz Questions
Test 13: Autonomous Agencies MCQs
21 Quiz Questions
Test 14: Balance of Power MCQs
8 Quiz Questions
Test 15: Ballistic Missiles and Other Delivery System MCQs
18 Quiz Questions
Test 16: Bilateral Agreement MCQs
5 Quiz Questions
Test 17: Biodiversity MCQs
11 Quiz Questions
Test 18: Bureaucracies MCQs
5 Quiz Questions
Test 19: Cartels MCQs
4 Quiz Questions
Test 20: Causes of Ethnic Hostility MCQs
1 Quiz Questions
Test 21: Causes of War MCQs
3 Quiz Questions
Test 22: Chemical and Biological Weapon MCQs
13 Quiz Questions
Test 23: Chinese Experience MCQs
6 Quiz Questions
Test 24: Cold War 1945-1990 MCQs
64 Quiz Questions
Test 25: Collective Security MCQs
9 Quiz Questions
Test 26: Comparative Advantage MCQs
2 Quiz Questions
Test 27: Conflicts of Ideas MCQs
6 Quiz Questions
Test 28: Constructivism MCQs
3 Quiz Questions
Test 29: Control of Government MCQs
3 Quiz Questions
Test 30: Control of Military Forces MCQs
6 Quiz Questions
Test 31: Conventional Forces MCQs
1 Quiz Questions
Test 32: Core Principles MCQs
2 Quiz Questions
Test 33: Crisis Management MCQs
2 Quiz Questions
Test 34: Decision Making MCQs
1 Quiz Questions
Test 35: Defining Power MCQs
6 Quiz Questions
Test 36: Democratic Peace MCQs
11 Quiz Questions
Test 37: Dependency MCQs
6 Quiz Questions
Test 38: Disease MCQs
2 Quiz Questions
Test 39: Domestic Level MCQs
3 Quiz Questions
Test 40: Domestic Politics MCQs
1 Quiz Questions
Test 41: Dominance MCQs
7 Quiz Questions
Test 42: Drug Trafficking MCQs
9 Quiz Questions
Test 43: Economic Conflicts MCQs
6 Quiz Questions
Test 44: Economic Globalization MCQs
1 Quiz Questions
Test 45: Effects of Colonialism MCQs
4 Quiz Questions
Test 46: Enforcement of International Law MCQs
4 Quiz Questions
Test 47: Enforcement of Trade Rules MCQs
5 Quiz Questions
Test 48: Estimating Power MCQs
11 Quiz Questions
Test 49: Ethnic Conflicts MCQs
10 Quiz Questions
Test 50: European Union MCQs
2 Quiz Questions
Test 51: Evolving Technology MCQs
1 Quiz Questions
Test 52: Evolving World Economy MCQs
15 Quiz Questions
Test 53: Expanding European Union MCQs
19 Quiz Questions
Test 54: Experiences MCQs
3 Quiz Questions
Test 55: Foreign Direct Investment MCQs
2 Quiz Questions
Test 56: Forests and Oceans MCQs
1 Quiz Questions
Test 57: Free Trade Area MCQs
19 Quiz Questions
Test 58: Gender in War and Peace MCQs
25 Quiz Questions
Test 59: General Assembly MCQs
7 Quiz Questions
Test 60: Global Geography MCQs
11 Quiz Questions
Test 61: Global Level MCQs
1 Quiz Questions
Test 62: Global warming MCQs
20 Quiz Questions
Test 63: Great Power and Middle Powers MCQs
17 Quiz Questions
Test 64: Great Power System, 1500-2000 MCQs
27 Quiz Questions
Test 65: Group Psychology MCQs
6 Quiz Questions
Test 66: Hegemony MCQs
10 Quiz Questions
Test 67: History of Imperialism 1500-2000 MCQs
1 Quiz Questions
Test 68: History of Imperialism 1500-2001 MCQs
1 Quiz Questions
Test 69: History of Imperialism 1500-2002 MCQs
1 Quiz Questions
Test 70: History of Imperialism 1500-2003 MCQs
1 Quiz Questions
Test 71: History of UN MCQs
19 Quiz Questions
Test 72: Host and Home Government Relations MCQs
14 Quiz Questions
Test 73: Human Rights MCQs
1 Quiz Questions
Test 74: Human Rights Institutions MCQs
10 Quiz Questions
Test 75: Identify MCQs
9 Quiz Questions
Test 76: Identity MCQs
10 Quiz Questions
Test 77: Ideological Conflicts MCQs
10 Quiz Questions
Test 78: India Takes Off MCQs
3 Quiz Questions
Test 79: Individual Decision Making MCQs
13 Quiz Questions
Test 80: Individual Human Rights Versus Sovereignty MCQs
3 Quiz Questions
Test 81: Individual Level MCQs
1 Quiz Questions
Test 82: Industries and Interest Groups MCQs
13 Quiz Questions
Test 83: Integration Theory MCQs
8 Quiz Questions
Test 84: Interdependence and Environment MCQs
14 Quiz Questions
Test 85: Interest Groups MCQs
6 Quiz Questions
Test 86: Intergency Tensions MCQs
3 Quiz Questions
Test 87: International Cases in National Courts MCQs
7 Quiz Questions
Test 88: International Currency Exchange MCQs
16 Quiz Questions
Test 89: International Debt MCQs
4 Quiz Questions
Test 90: International Regimes MCQs
9 Quiz Questions
Test 91: Interstate Borders MCQs
1 Quiz Questions
Test 92: Interstate Level MCQs
1 Quiz Questions
Test 93: IR and Daily Life MCQs
2 Quiz Questions
Test 94: IR as a Field of Study MCQs
9 Quiz Questions
Test 95: Islamist Movements MCQs
7 Quiz Questions
Test 96: Just War Doctrine MCQs
3 Quiz Questions
Test 97: Law of Diplomacy MCQs
3 Quiz Questions
Test 98: Legislatures MCQs
5 Quiz Questions
Test 99: Level of Analysis MCQs
32 Quiz Questions
Test 100: Liberal Intuitionalism MCQs
6 Quiz Questions
Test 101: Liberalism and Mercantilism MCQs
8 Quiz Questions
Test 102: Lingering Disputes MCQs
18 Quiz Questions
Test 103: Logistic and Intelligence MCQs
6 Quiz Questions
Test 104: Maastricht Treaty MCQs
2 Quiz Questions
Test 105: Making Foreign Policy MCQs
7 Quiz Questions
Test 106: Masculinity of Realism MCQs
10 Quiz Questions
Test 107: Migration and Refugees MCQs
5 Quiz Questions
Test 108: Military Economics MCQs
7 Quiz Questions
Test 109: Military Industrial Complex MCQs
9 Quiz Questions
Test 110: Minerals MCQs
6 Quiz Questions
Test 111: Models of Decision Making MCQs
6 Quiz Questions
Test 112: Monetary Union MCQs
6 Quiz Questions
Test 113: Multinational Business MCQs
2 Quiz Questions
Test 114: Multinational Corporations MCQs
10 Quiz Questions
Test 115: Nationalism MCQs
11 Quiz Questions
Test 116: Nations Accounts MCQs
3 Quiz Questions
Test 117: NATO MCQs
22 Quiz Questions
Test 118: Natural Resources MCQs
5 Quiz Questions
Test 119: Navies MCQs
1 Quiz Questions
Test 120: Newly Industrialized Countries MCQs
8 Quiz Questions
Test 121: Nonstate Actors MCQs
9 Quiz Questions
Test 122: Nuclear Technology and Arms Control MCQs
31 Quiz Questions
Test 123: Nuclear Weapon MCQs
7 Quiz Questions
Test 124: Observing and Peacekeeping MCQs
5 Quiz Questions
Test 125: Oceans MCQs
7 Quiz Questions
Test 126: Other Alliances MCQs
17 Quiz Questions
Test 127: Other Experiments MCQs
9 Quiz Questions
Test 128: Ozone Depletion MCQs
6 Quiz Questions
Test 129: Peace Studies MCQs
21 Quiz Questions
Test 130: Peacekeeping Forces MCQs
1 Quiz Questions
Test 131: Peacekeeping Mission MCQs
2 Quiz Questions
Test 132: Political Interference in Market MCQs
5 Quiz Questions
Test 133: Pollution MCQs
9 Quiz Questions
Test 134: Population MCQs
3 Quiz Questions
Test 135: Position in Asia MCQs
8 Quiz Questions
Test 136: Position of Russia and Eastern Europe MCQs
7 Quiz Questions
Test 137: Position of United States MCQs
3 Quiz Questions
Test 138: Post Cold War Era 1990-2007 MCQs
59 Quiz Questions
Test 139: Post Cold War Era 1990-2008 MCQs
1 Quiz Questions
Test 140: Post Cold War Era 1990-2009 MCQs
1 Quiz Questions
Test 141: Post Cold War Era 1990-2010 MCQs
1 Quiz Questions
Test 142: Post Cold War Era 1990-2011 MCQs
1 Quiz Questions
Test 143: Post Cold War Era 1990-2012 MCQs
1 Quiz Questions
Test 144: Post Cold War Era 1990-2013 MCQs
1 Quiz Questions
Test 145: Post Cold War Era 1990-2014 MCQs
1 Quiz Questions
Test 146: Post Cold War Era 1990-2015 MCQs
1 Quiz Questions
Test 147: Post Cold War Era 1990-2016 MCQs
1 Quiz Questions
Test 148: Post Cold War Era 1990-2017 MCQs
1 Quiz Questions
Test 149: Post Cold War Era 1990-2018 MCQs
1 Quiz Questions
Test 150: Post revolutionary Governments MCQs
4 Quiz Questions
Test 151: Postcolonial Dependency MCQs
1 Quiz Questions
Test 152: Postmodern Feminism MCQs
4 Quiz Questions
Test 153: Postmodernism MCQs
17 Quiz Questions
Test 154: Power MCQs
1 Quiz Questions
Test 155: Power Distribution MCQs
6 Quiz Questions
Test 156: Prisoner's Dilemma MCQs
15 Quiz Questions
Test 157: Proliferation MCQs
16 Quiz Questions
Test 158: Proposed Changes MCQs
1 Quiz Questions
Test 159: Protectionism MCQs
9 Quiz Questions
Test 160: Public opinion MCQs
20 Quiz Questions
Test 161: Purposes of UN MCQs
2 Quiz Questions
Test 162: Radio and TV MCQs
1 Quiz Questions
Test 163: Rain Forests MCQs
3 Quiz Questions
Test 164: Rationality MCQs
4 Quiz Questions
Test 165: Realism MCQs
10 Quiz Questions
Test 166: Recent Mission MCQs
10 Quiz Questions
Test 167: Reciprocity MCQs
7 Quiz Questions
Test 168: Regional Alignments MCQs
25 Quiz Questions
Test 169: Resistance to Trade MCQs
4 Quiz Questions
Test 170: Revolutionary Movements MCQs
4 Quiz Questions
Test 171: Roles of International Organizations MCQs
7 Quiz Questions
Test 172: Sanctions MCQs
4 Quiz Questions
Test 173: Secessions MCQs
9 Quiz Questions
Test 174: Secretariat MCQs
8 Quiz Questions
Test 175: Security Council MCQs
11 Quiz Questions
Test 176: Single European Act MCQs
6 Quiz Questions
Test 177: Social Theories MCQs
1 Quiz Questions
Test 178: Sources of International Law MCQs
7 Quiz Questions
Test 179: State Actors MCQs
23 Quiz Questions
Test 180: State of South MCQs
2 Quiz Questions
Test 181: Statecraft MCQs
18 Quiz Questions
Test 182: Structure of European Union MCQs
7 Quiz Questions
Test 183: Structure of UN MCQs
7 Quiz Questions
Test 184: Study of IR MCQs
2 Quiz Questions
Test 185: Supranationalism MCQs
2 Quiz Questions
Test 186: Sustainable Development MCQs
7 Quiz Questions
Test 187: Territorial Dispute MCQs
4 Quiz Questions
Test 188: Territorial Waters MCQs
3 Quiz Questions
Test 189: Terrorism MCQs
8 Quiz Questions
Test 190: Theories of Trade MCQs
3 Quiz Questions
Test 191: Trade Regimes MCQs
1 Quiz Questions
Test 192: Treaty of Rome MCQs
18 Quiz Questions
Test 193: Two World Wars, 1900-1950 MCQs
46 Quiz Questions
Test 194: Types of Forces MCQs
3 Quiz Questions
Test 195: Types of War MCQs
25 Quiz Questions
Test 196: UN Programs MCQs
9 Quiz Questions
Test 197: Vision of a United Europe MCQs
13 Quiz Questions
Test 198: Waning of War MCQs
3 Quiz Questions
Test 199: War Crimes MCQs
6 Quiz Questions
Test 200: Water Disputes MCQs
3 Quiz Questions
Test 201: Weapons of Mass Destruction MCQs
2 Quiz Questions
Test 202: Why Currencies Rise and Fall MCQs
5 Quiz Questions
Test 203: Why gender Matters MCQs
1 Quiz Questions
Test 204: Women in Developing Countries MCQs
1 Quiz Questions
Test 205: Women in IR MCQs
27 Quiz Questions
Test 206: World Bank and IMF MCQs
18 Quiz Questions
Test 207: World Court MCQs
13 Quiz Questions
Test 208: World Hunger MCQs
2 Quiz Questions
Test 209: World System MCQs
4 Quiz Questions
Test 210: World Trade Organization MCQs
19 Quiz Questions

Introduction to International Relations Learning App: Free Download (iOS & Android)

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All-in-One Courses App (Android & iOS)

International Relations App (Android & iOS)

International Relations App (iOS & Android)

Basic Computer Knowledge App (Android & iOS)

Basic Computer Knowledge App (Android & iOS)

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HCI App (iOS & Android)