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Introduction to International Relations Practice Tests

Introduction to International Relations Online Tests

Ethnic Conflicts MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions) PDF Download

The Ethnic Conflicts Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) with Answers PDF (Ethnic Conflicts MCQ PDF e-Book) download to practice Introduction to International Relations Tests. Learn International Conflict Multiple Choice Questions and Answers (MCQs), Ethnic Conflicts quiz answers PDF for online degrees. The Ethnic Conflicts MCQ App Download: Free learning app for types of war, drug trafficking, ethnic conflicts, lingering disputes test prep for online master degree programs.

The MCQ: States were Kurds reside are; "Ethnic Conflicts" App Download (Free) with answers: Turkey,Iraq,Iran and Syria; Netherland and Germany; Russia, Spain and Germany; Kosovo and Britain; for online degrees. Practice Ethnic Conflicts Quiz Questions, download Google e-Book (Free Sample) for free online college classes.

Ethnic Conflicts MCQs PDF: Questions Answers Download

MCQ 1:

Which military fought rival Kurdish Guerrilla armies?

  1. Syria
  2. Turkey
  3. Iran
  4. Iraqi and Turkish
MCQ 2:

States were Kurds reside are

  1. Turkey,Iraq,Iran and Syria
  2. Netherland and Germany
  3. Russia, Spain and Germany
  4. Kosovo and Britain
MCQ 3:

Ethnic conflict is based on

  1. tangible cause
  2. intangible cause
  3. physical
  4. non physical
MCQ 4:

Ethnic conflict is the most important source of

  1. Violence
  2. Conflicts
  3. Wars
  4. Strength
MCQ 5:

The Kurdish guerrilla armies bought Iraqi and Turkish military in

  1. 1994
  2. 1995
  3. 1997
  4. 1990

Introduction To International Relations Practice Tests

Ethnic Conflicts Learning App: Free Download (iOS & Android)

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Ethnic Conflicts App (Android & iOS)

Ethnic Conflicts App (Android & iOS)

International Relations App (Android & iOS)

International Relations App (iOS & Android)

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