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Chapter 4: Introduction to International Relations Exam Tests

Introduction to International Relations MCQs - Chapter 4

Globalization of International Relations Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) PDF Download - 1

The Globalization of International Relations Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) with Answers PDF (Globalization of International Relations MCQs PDF e-Book) download Ch. 4-1 to study Introduction to International Relations Course. Practice State Actors MCQs, Globalization of International Relations trivia questions and answers PDF to study online professional courses. The Globalization of International Relations MCQs App Download: Free learning app for identify career test for online degrees.

The Multiple Choice Question (MCQ): The most powerful political figure is the one we consider; "Globalization of International Relations" App Download (Free) with answers: State leader; More power; Head of state; Minister; to study online professional courses. Solve Nationalism Quiz Questions, download Google eBook (Free Sample) for online university courses.

Globalization of International Relations MCQs with Answers PDF Download: MCQ Quiz 1

MCQ 1:

The most powerful political figure is the one we consider

  1. more power
  2. state leader
  3. Head of state
  4. Minister
MCQ 2:

The nations group of people who share a sense of national identity usually includes

  1. language and culture
  2. festivals
  3. civilizations
  4. a and b
MCQ 3:

IPE stands for

  1. International political experts
  2. inter political economy
  3. international political Economy
  4. international people freedom
MCQ 4:

The relationships among the world state is structured according to certain rules and system of interactions is known as

  1. IR
  2. International Politics
  3. International system
  4. International scientist
MCQ 5:

GDP stands for

  1. Gross domestic product
  2. Gross Domestic Price
  3. Global Domestic Population
  4. Gross domestic Price

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Globalization of International Relations App (Android & iOS)

Globalization of International Relations App (Android & iOS)

International Relations App (Android & iOS)

International Relations App (iOS & Android)

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