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Introduction to International Relations Practice Tests

Introduction to International Relations Online Tests

Nuclear Technology and Arms Control MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions) PDF Download

The Nuclear Technology and Arms Control Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) with Answers PDF (Nuclear Technology and Arms Control MCQ PDF e-Book) download to practice Introduction to International Relations Tests. Study Military Force and Terrorism Multiple Choice Questions and Answers (MCQs), Nuclear Technology and Arms Control quiz answers PDF for best online colleges. The Nuclear Technology and Arms Control MCQ App Download: Free learning app for proliferation, air forces, terrorism, ballistic missiles and other delivery system test prep to study online tutor courses.

The MCQ: CTBT was signed in; "Nuclear Technology and Arms Control" App Download (Free) with answers: 1992; 1994; 1995; 1996; for best online colleges. Practice Nuclear Technology and Arms Control Quiz Questions, download Apple e-Book (Free Sample) for online college classes.

Nuclear Technology and Arms Control MCQ (PDF) Questions Answers Download

MCQ 1:

Countries that have several hundreds of weapons?

  1. America and Japan
  2. China, France, Britain
  3. Spain and France
  4. England, Africa and India
MCQ 2:

CTBT was signed in

  1. 1992
  2. 1994
  3. 1995
  4. 1996
MCQ 3:

Aim of CTBT was

  1. Develop new nuclear weapon
  2. destroy all nuclear weapon
  3. Launch secret nuclear weapons
  4. Stop all from making nuclear weapons
MCQ 4:

SALT stands for

  1. Strategic Arms Limited Talks
  2. Strategic Allies Limitation Talks
  3. Strategic Arms Line Talks
  4. Strategic Arms Limitation Talks
MCQ 5:

When did US Senate vote against ratifying CTBT?

  1. 1995
  2. 1997
  3. 1998
  4. 1999

Introduction To International Relations Practice Tests

Nuclear Technology and Arms Control Textbook App: Free Download iOS & Android

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Nuclear Technology and Arms Control App (Android & iOS)

Nuclear Technology and Arms Control App (Android & iOS)

International Relations App (Android & iOS)

International Relations App (iOS & Android)

Inventions App (Android & iOS)

Inventions App (Android & iOS)

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