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International Relations Certification Exam Tests

International Relations Practice Test 80

Identity Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) PDF Download - 80

The Identity MCQ with Answers PDF (Identity Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) PDF e-Book) download Ch. 5-80 to prepare International Relations Practice Tests. Learn Globalization of Internationals Relations Test PDF, Identity Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) for schools that offer certificate programs. The Identity MCQ App Download: Free certification app for peace studies, ir as a field of study, identity test prep for online college classes.

The MCQ: Using the nuclear agreements in the benefits of existing nuclear power keepers is an example of; "Identity" App (Free Android & iOS) with answers: Identity Approach; Dominance Approach; Authority; Reciprocity; for schools that offer certificate programs. Practice Globalization of Internationals Relations Questions and Answers, Apple e-Book to download free sample for online bachelor degree programs.

Identity MCQ Quiz with Answers PDF Download: Test 80

MCQ 396:

Using the nuclear agreements in the benefits of existing nuclear power keepers is an example of

  1. Dominance Approach
  2. Identity Approach
  3. Authority
  4. Reciprocity
MCQ 397:

IR is the study of

  1. International Relation
  2. International Politics
  3. International Affairs
  4. International Organizations
MCQ 398:

The Iraq was fought in

  1. 1999
  2. 2000
  3. 2001
  4. 2003
MCQ 399:

Archduke Franz Ferdinan in 1914 caused in

  1. WW I
  2. WW II
  3. Cold war
  4. Proxy war
MCQ 400:

When Mahatma Ghandi led India's struggle for independence from the British Empire?

  1. 1945
  2. 1948
  3. 1949
  4. 1950

International Relations Exam Prep Tests

Identity Textbook App: Free Download iOS & Android

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Identity App (Android & iOS)

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