BBA: Marketing Courses

Chapter 11: Principles of Marketing Exam Tests

Principles of Marketing MCQs - Chapter 11

Marketing Channels Multiple Choice Questions PDF Download - 1

Free Marketing Channels Multiple Choice Questions and Answers (MCQs), Marketing Channels MCQ Quiz PDF, test 1 to study online Principles of Marketing Course. Practice Integrated Logistics Management MCQs, Marketing Channels trivia questions and answers PDF to prepare for job interview. Free learning app: Marketing Channels MCQs App Download & e-Book for multi channel marketing, supply chain management career test for online business university.

The Multiple Choice Question (MCQ Quiz): If men and women responds differently to the marketing efforts for fast food then the segment should be considered as; "Marketing Channels" App Download (Free) with answers non-differentiable segments, differentiable segment, intermarket segmentation and intramarket segmentation to learn marketing degree courses. Solve integrated logistics management quiz questions, download Google eBook (Free Sample) for online business administration degree.

Marketing Channels Questions & Answers PDF Download: MCQ Quiz 1

MCQ 1: If men and women responds differently to the marketing efforts for fast food then the segment should be considered as

A) differentiable segment
B) non-differentiable segments
C) intermarket segmentation
D) intramarket segmentation

MCQ 2: The procedure of displacement of long-established resellers by new intermediaries is classified as

A) horizontal mediation
B) multiple mediation
C) disintermediation
D) vertical mediation

MCQ 3: If the fixed cost is $200000, unit sales are 30000 and the variable cost is $8 then the unit cost is

A) $14.67
B) $18.67
C) $20.67
D) $25.67

MCQ 4: The 'Dollar Tree store and Family Dollar' targets customers with middle and low income groups is an example of

A) geographic segmentation
B) income segmentation
C) psychographic segmentation
D) behavioral segmentation

MCQ 5: The way in which two or more transportation modes are used together is classified as

A) intra-model logistic network
B) intermodal logistic network
C) intermodal transportation
D) intra-model transportation

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Marketing Channels App (Android & iOS)

Marketing Channels App (Android & iOS)

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