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BBA Marketing Management Certification Exam Tests

BBA Marketing Management Practice Test 6

Developing Brand Positioning MCQs (Multiple Choice Questions) PDF Download - 6

The Developing Brand Positioning Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) with Answers PDF (Developing Brand Positioning MCQs PDF e-Book) download Ch. 6-6 to solve BBA Marketing Management Practice Tests. Study Crafting Brand Positioning quiz answers PDF, Developing Brand Positioning Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) for bachelors in marketing online. The Developing Brand Positioning MCQs App Download: Free educational app for developing brand positioning, competitive strategies for market leaders, building customer value, satisfaction and loyalty, differential pricing, services differentiation test prep for online business administration degree.

The MCQs: In brand mantra, the process of defining the category and setting the brand boundaries is classified in the dimension of; "Developing Brand Positioning" App (Android, iOS) with answers: Inspiration; Communication; Simplifying; Straddling; for bachelors in marketing online. Practice Crafting Brand Positioning Questions and Answers, Google eBook to download free sample for online business university.

Developing Brand Positioning MCQ with Answers PDF Download: Quiz 6

MCQ 26:

In brand mantra, the process of defining the category and setting the brand boundaries is classified in the dimension of

  1. communication
  2. inspiration
  3. simplifying
  4. straddling
MCQ 27:

The marketing response which comes into action after the change happens is classified as

  1. geographical anticipation
  2. selective anticipation
  3. responsive anticipation
  4. reactive anticipation
MCQ 28:

The second step in 'customer value analysis' is

  1. assessing quantitative importance
  2. examining specific segment
  3. monitoring customer value
  4. identifying benefits
MCQ 29:

The price discrimination in which same market offers it's priced at two different levels, on the basis of consumer perception is classified as

  1. image pricing
  2. channel pricing
  3. customer segment pricing
  4. product-form pricing
MCQ 30:

The factors that can help in differentiation of services include

  1. delivery and installation
  2. customer training and consultation
  3. ordering ease
  4. all of the above

BBA Marketing Management Exam Prep Tests

Developing Brand Positioning Textbook App: Free Download iOS & Android

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Developing Brand Positioning App (Android & iOS)

Developing Brand Positioning App (Android & iOS)

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Marketing Management App (iOS & Android)

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