BBA Marketing Degree Courses

Principles of Marketing Certification Exam Tests

Principles Of Marketing Practice Test 73

Market Targeting Quiz Questions and Answers PDF Download - 73

The Market Targeting Quiz Questions and Answers PDF (Market Targeting Quiz with Answers PDF e-Book) download Ch. 6-73 to prepare Principles of Marketing Practice Tests. Solve Customer Driven Marketing Strategy MCQ with answers PDF, Market Targeting Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) for online bachelor's degree in administration. The Market Targeting Quiz App Download: Free learning app for market targeting, competitive positions, global product strategy, setting goals and advertising objectives, psychological factors test prep for online business administration degree.

The Quiz: The type of joint venture according to which domestic company exports management services instead of exporting goods is classified as; "Market Targeting" App Download (Free) with answers: Joint ownership; Contract manufacturing; Management contracting; Investment ownership; for online bachelor's degree in administration. Learn Customer Driven Marketing Strategy Questions and Answers, Apple eBook to download free sample for online digital marketing certificate.

Market Targeting Questions and Answers PDF Download: MCQ 73

MCQ 361:

The type of joint venture according to which domestic company exports management services instead of exporting goods is classified as

  1. contract manufacturing
  2. joint ownership
  3. management contracting
  4. investment ownership
MCQ 362:

The tendency to which experiences of potential customers fits with the innovation is called

  1. relative advantage
  2. divisibility
  3. communicability
  4. compatibility
MCQ 363:

Segmentation of international markets on the basis of common languages, religions and customs is example of

  1. geographic location
  2. cultural factors
  3. economic factors
  4. political and legal factors
MCQ 364:

The sum of variable costs and fixed costs is called

  1. total costs
  2. overhead costs
  3. markup costs
  4. both a and b
MCQ 365:

The sales promotion tool through which resellers are persuaded to carry brand, provide shelf space, promote advertising and push to final buyers is classified as

  1. point of purchase promotion
  2. trade promotion
  3. event promotion
  4. off deal promotion

Principles Of Marketing Exam Prep Tests

Market Targeting Learning App: Free Download Android & iOS

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Market Targeting App (Android & iOS)

Market Targeting App (Android & iOS)

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