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Principles Of Marketing Practice Test 72

Global Expansion: Major Retailers Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) PDF Download - 72

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Global Expansion: Major Retailers MCQ Quiz with Answers PDF Download: Test 72

MCQ 356:

The stage in which the problem or need is recognized by consumers is classified as

  1. need recognition
  2. information search
  3. evaluation of alternatives
  4. both b and c
MCQ 357:

The office equipment such as computers and fax machines are best examples of

  1. industrial accessory equipment
  2. industrial office equipment
  3. fixed equipment
  4. installation
MCQ 358:

The retailer store 'Sears' is an example of

  1. outbound store
  2. inbound store
  3. department store
  4. intensive store
MCQ 359:

According to customers, the trend of interpreting information in a way to support what they already believe is

  1. selective attention
  2. selective distortion
  3. selective retention
  4. all of above
MCQ 360:

The message framework design AIDA stands for

  1. action, intention, design and attention
  2. action, interest, desire and attention
  3. agency, intention, design and attention
  4. attention, interest, desire and action

Principles Of Marketing Exam Prep Tests

Global Expansion Major Retailers Textbook App: Free Download iOS & Android

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Global Expansion Major Retailers App (Android & iOS)

Global Expansion Major Retailers App (Android & iOS)

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