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MBA Human Resource Management Certification Exam Tests

MBA Human Resource Management Practice Test 78

Bargaining Process MCQs (Multiple Choice Questions) PDF Download - 78

The Bargaining Process Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) with Answers PDF (Bargaining Process MCQs PDF e-Book) download Ch. 14-78 to solve MBA Human Resource Management Practice Tests. Study Union Relationship Management quiz answers PDF, Bargaining Process Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) to learn online MBA management courses. The Bargaining Process MCQs App Download: Free educational app for bargaining process, employee performance evaluation, management by objectives, hr performance and benchmarking, training methods test prep for shortest online MBA.

The MCQs: The process in which a third party helps in negotiating the settlement is classified as; "Bargaining Process" App (Android, iOS) with answers: Conciliation; Ratification; Mediation; Arbitration; to learn online MBA management courses. Practice Union Relationship Management Questions and Answers, Google eBook to download free sample for affordable online MBA programs.

Bargaining Process MCQ with Answers PDF Download: Quiz 78

MCQ 386:

The process in which a third party helps in negotiating the settlement is classified as

  1. ratification
  2. conciliation
  3. mediation
  4. arbitration
MCQ 387:

The important elements such as cooperativeness, presence at work, timeline of work, quality and quantity of output are classified as

  1. employee performance variables
  2. employee recruitment variables
  3. employee training variables
  4. employee development variables
MCQ 388:

The fourth step in process of management by objective is to

  1. guided setting of objective
  2. ongoing performance discussion
  3. review job and agreement
  4. develop performance standards
MCQ 389:

If the revenue is $2000, operating income is $500, pays and benefits of employees are $600 and full time employees are 200 then human value added is

  1. $800
  2. $1,200
  3. $600
  4. $1,400
MCQ 390:

The apprentice training, internships and school-to-work transitions are classified as types of

  1. instructor led classroom training
  2. cooperative training
  3. conference training
  4. distance training

MBA Human Resource Management Exam Prep Tests

Bargaining Process Textbook App: Free Download iOS & Android

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Bargaining Process App (Android & iOS)

Bargaining Process App (Android & iOS)

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