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MBA Human Resource Management Practice Tests

MBA Human Resource Management Online Tests

Performance Measurement and Benchmarking MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions) PDF Download

The Performance Measurement and Benchmarking Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) with Answers PDF (Performance Measurement and Benchmarking MCQ PDF e-Book) download to practice MBA Human Resource Management Tests. Learn Strategic Human Resource Management Multiple Choice Questions and Answers (MCQs), Performance Measurement and Benchmarking quiz answers PDF for online business and management degree. The Performance Measurement and Benchmarking MCQ App Download: Free learning app for hr performance and benchmarking, performance measurement and benchmarking, managing human resources test prep for online MBA courses.

The MCQ: The operating profit held with the firm after deducting the cost of capital is classified as; "Performance Measurement and Benchmarking" App Download (Free) with answers: Benefits added into salaries; Investments added; Capitals added; Economic value added; for online business and management degree. Practice Performance Measurement and Benchmarking Quiz Questions, download Google eBook (Free Sample) for top MBA programs.

Performance Measurement and Benchmarking MCQs PDF: Questions Answers Download

MCQ 1:

The operating cost for new system is added into implementation cost and is then divided by gains, by improvements in productivity is called

  1. economic value added
  2. analysis of benefits
  3. return on investment
  4. return on public offering
MCQ 2:

The operating profit held with the firm after deducting the cost of capital is classified as

  1. benefits added into salaries
  2. investments added
  3. capitals added
  4. economic value added
MCQ 3:

The operating cost is $20000, the cost of implementation is $10000 and the productivity improvements gains are $40000 then the return on investment is

  1. 4.33%
  2. 1.33%
  3. 2.33%
  4. 3.33%
MCQ 4:

The statistical model which is used to identify the benefits and expenses related to human resource activities is classified as

  1. utility analysis
  2. investment analysis
  3. cost-benefit analysis
  4. both A and C
MCQ 5:

The minimal rate of return that shareholders demand from the firm is classified as

  1. cost of capital
  2. cost of marketing
  3. cost of share issuance
  4. economic earnings

MBA Human Resource Management Practice Tests

Performance Measurement and Benchmarking Learning App: Free Download Android & iOS

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Performance Measurement and Benchmarking App (Android & iOS)

Performance Measurement and Benchmarking App (Android & iOS)

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Human Resource Management (MBA) App (iOS & Android)

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