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Sociology Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) PDF

The Sociology Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) with Answers PDF (Sociology MCQ PDF e-Book) download to learn sociology online courses for interviews, job tests and competitive exams. The Sociology MCQs App Download: Free learning app for Latin America, Symbols and Language, Capitalism, Introduction Groups and Organizations, Stereotypes, and many more topics for online learning. Free download "Sociology" App (Android & iOS) with Sociology MCQs & Quizzes from Sociology textbook topics as:

Test 1: Access to Education MCQs
3 Quiz Questions
Test 2: Affirmative Action MCQs
1 Quiz Questions
Test 3: Africa MCQs
3 Quiz Questions
Test 4: Ageism MCQs
5 Quiz Questions
Test 5: Agents of Socialization MCQs
2 Quiz Questions
Test 6: Agricultural MCQs
1 Quiz Questions
Test 7: Agricultural Revolution MCQs
14 Quiz Questions
Test 8: Air MCQs
4 Quiz Questions
Test 9: Amalgamation MCQs
6 Quiz Questions
Test 10: American Health Care MCQs
6 Quiz Questions
Test 11: Approaches to Sociological Research MCQs
1 Quiz Questions
Test 12: Arab Americans MCQs
3 Quiz Questions
Test 13: Asia MCQs
3 Quiz Questions
Test 14: Ask a Question MCQs
2 Quiz Questions
Test 15: Aspects of Globalization MCQs
3 Quiz Questions
Test 16: Assembling Perspective MCQs
2 Quiz Questions
Test 17: Assimilation MCQs
4 Quiz Questions
Test 18: Bilingual Education MCQs
1 Quiz Questions
Test 19: Biological Changes MCQs
7 Quiz Questions
Test 20: Buddhism MCQs
8 Quiz Questions
Test 21: Bureaucracies MCQs
7 Quiz Questions
Test 22: Capitalism MCQs
6 Quiz Questions
Test 23: Capitalism in Practice MCQs
2 Quiz Questions
Test 24: Case Study MCQs
8 Quiz Questions
Test 25: Caste System MCQs
3 Quiz Questions
Test 26: Categorizing Technology MCQs
4 Quiz Questions
Test 27: Causes of Social Change MCQs
1 Quiz Questions
Test 28: Challenges Facing Elderly MCQs
3 Quiz Questions
Test 29: Challenges Families Face MCQs
4 Quiz Questions
Test 30: Charismatic Authority MCQs
5 Quiz Questions
Test 31: Child Abuse MCQs
19 Quiz Questions
Test 32: Children of Divorce and Remarriage MCQs
1 Quiz Questions
Test 33: Christianity MCQs
7 Quiz Questions
Test 34: Class System MCQs
3 Quiz Questions
Test 35: Class traits MCQs
3 Quiz Questions
Test 36: Clifford Shaw and Henry McKay: Cultural Deviance Theory MCQs
4 Quiz Questions
Test 37: Climate Change MCQs
3 Quiz Questions
Test 38: Cohabitation MCQs
1 Quiz Questions
Test 39: Cold War Terminology MCQs
8 Quiz Questions
Test 40: Comparative Health and Medicine MCQs
4 Quiz Questions
Test 41: Conflict Perspective MCQs
14 Quiz Questions
Test 42: Conflict Theory MCQs
35 Quiz Questions
Test 43: Conflict Theory in Action MCQs
2 Quiz Questions
Test 44: Conformity MCQs
1 Quiz Questions
Test 45: Confucianism MCQs
5 Quiz Questions
Test 46: Consequences of Poverty MCQs
4 Quiz Questions
Test 47: Convergence Theory MCQs
3 Quiz Questions
Test 48: Corrections MCQs
1 Quiz Questions
Test 49: Court MCQs
6 Quiz Questions
Test 50: Creating a Discipline MCQs
14 Quiz Questions
Test 51: Crime and Law MCQs
2 Quiz Questions
Test 52: Crime and Social Class MCQs
1 Quiz Questions
Test 53: Crime Statistics MCQs
7 Quiz Questions
Test 54: Cultural Meaning of Illness MCQs
2 Quiz Questions
Test 55: Cultural Universals MCQs
3 Quiz Questions
Test 56: Culture of Prejudice MCQs
1 Quiz Questions
Test 57: Current Population Trends MCQs
2 Quiz Questions
Test 58: Current Status MCQs
17 Quiz Questions
Test 59: Death and Dying MCQs
12 Quiz Questions
Test 60: Defining a Group MCQs
1 Quiz Questions
Test 61: Democracy MCQs
7 Quiz Questions
Test 62: Demographic Transition Theory MCQs
2 Quiz Questions
Test 63: Demography and Population MCQs
5 Quiz Questions
Test 64: Dependency Theory MCQs
9 Quiz Questions
Test 65: Deviance and Control MCQs
4 Quiz Questions
Test 66: Dictatorship MCQs
5 Quiz Questions
Test 67: Difference Between Sex and Gender MCQs
5 Quiz Questions
Test 68: Diffusion and Globalization MCQs
2 Quiz Questions
Test 69: Disability MCQs
5 Quiz Questions
Test 70: Discrimination MCQs
13 Quiz Questions
Test 71: Divorce and Remarriage MCQs
9 Quiz Questions
Test 72: Domestic Violence MCQs
7 Quiz Questions
Test 73: Dyads, Triads, and Large Groups MCQs
1 Quiz Questions
Test 74: Economic Systems MCQs
1 Quiz Questions
Test 75: Economics of Agricultural, Industrial, and Postindustrial Societies MCQs
2 Quiz Questions
Test 76: Education around World MCQs
3 Quiz Questions
Test 77: Educational Summary MCQs
12 Quiz Questions
Test 78: Edwin Sutherland: Differential Association MCQs
1 Quiz Questions
Test 79: Emergent-Norm Perspective MCQs
1 Quiz Questions
Test 80: Entertainment Function MCQs
1 Quiz Questions
Test 81: Environment and Society MCQs
1 Quiz Questions
Test 82: Environmental Racism MCQs
4 Quiz Questions
Test 83: Ethical Concerns MCQs
28 Quiz Questions
Test 84: Ethnocentrism and Cultural Relativism MCQs
6 Quiz Questions
Test 85: Ethnography MCQs
2 Quiz Questions
Test 86: Experiments MCQs
5 Quiz Questions
Test 87: Expulsion MCQs
4 Quiz Questions
Test 88: Family MCQs
2 Quiz Questions
Test 89: Father of Sociology MCQs
8 Quiz Questions
Test 90: Feminist Perspective MCQs
1 Quiz Questions
Test 91: Feminist Theory MCQs
7 Quiz Questions
Test 92: Feudal MCQs
3 Quiz Questions
Test 93: Field Research MCQs
8 Quiz Questions
Test 94: Film MCQs
3 Quiz Questions
Test 95: Formal and Informal Education MCQs
9 Quiz Questions
Test 96: Formal Organizations MCQs
4 Quiz Questions
Test 97: Forms of Collective Behavior MCQs
11 Quiz Questions
Test 98: Forms of Government MCQs
2 Quiz Questions
Test 99: Formulate a Hypothesis MCQs
3 Quiz Questions
Test 100: Framing Frame Analysis MCQs
11 Quiz Questions
Test 101: Functionalism MCQs
54 Quiz Questions
Test 102: Functionalist Perspective MCQs
1 Quiz Questions
Test 103: Garbage MCQs
3 Quiz Questions
Test 104: Gender and Socialization MCQs
2 Quiz Questions
Test 105: Gender Identity MCQs
2 Quiz Questions
Test 106: Gender Roles MCQs
2 Quiz Questions
Test 107: Genocide MCQs
2 Quiz Questions
Test 108: Global MCQs
2 Quiz Questions
Test 109: Global Health MCQs
6 Quiz Questions
Test 110: Global Implications MCQs
4 Quiz Questions
Test 111: Global Stratification MCQs
3 Quiz Questions
Test 112: Global Stratification and Classification MCQs
6 Quiz Questions
Test 113: Global Stratification and Inequality MCQs
4 Quiz Questions
Test 114: Graying of United States MCQs
1 Quiz Questions
Test 115: Group Leadership MCQs
5 Quiz Questions
Test 116: Growth of Cities MCQs
2 Quiz Questions
Test 117: Head Start MCQs
2 Quiz Questions
Test 118: Health by Gender MCQs
5 Quiz Questions
Test 119: Health by Race and Ethnicity MCQs
1 Quiz Questions
Test 120: Health Care Elsewhere MCQs
6 Quiz Questions
Test 121: Health in High-Income Nations MCQs
5 Quiz Questions
Test 122: Health in Low-Income Nations MCQs
4 Quiz Questions
Test 123: Health in United States MCQs
1 Quiz Questions
Test 124: High Culture and Popular Culture MCQs
6 Quiz Questions
Test 125: High rate of in-group marriage MCQs
1 Quiz Questions
Test 126: High-Income Nations MCQs
7 Quiz Questions
Test 127: Hinduism MCQs
6 Quiz Questions
Test 128: History of Intergroup Relations MCQs
12 Quiz Questions
Test 129: History of Religion as a Sociological Concept MCQs
8 Quiz Questions
Test 130: History of Sociology MCQs
5 Quiz Questions
Test 131: Home Schooling MCQs
1 Quiz Questions
Test 132: Horticultural MCQs
2 Quiz Questions
Test 133: How and Why They Came MCQs
13 Quiz Questions
Test 134: How do Working Women Impact Society MCQs
1 Quiz Questions
Test 135: How Sociologists View Social Structures MCQs
1 Quiz Questions
Test 136: How Sociologists View Society MCQs
4 Quiz Questions
Test 137: Immanuel Wallerstein: World Systems Approach MCQs
4 Quiz Questions
Test 138: Immigration and Workforce MCQs
4 Quiz Questions
Test 139: In-Groups and Out-Groups MCQs
6 Quiz Questions
Test 140: Industrial Revolution MCQs
5 Quiz Questions
Test 141: Industrial Society MCQs
3 Quiz Questions
Test 142: Innovation: Discovery and Invention MCQs
8 Quiz Questions
Test 143: Institutional Agents MCQs
2 Quiz Questions
Test 144: Interactions MCQs
2 Quiz Questions
Test 145: Intergroup Relationships MCQs
3 Quiz Questions
Test 146: Introduction Groups and Organizations MCQs
4 Quiz Questions
Test 147: Introduction to Culture MCQs
2 Quiz Questions
Test 148: Introduction to Deviance, Crime, and Social Control MCQs
1 Quiz Questions
Test 149: Introduction to Education MCQs
5 Quiz Questions
Test 150: Introduction to Global Inequality MCQs
4 Quiz Questions
Test 151: Introduction to Health and Medicine MCQs
6 Quiz Questions
Test 152: Introduction to Media and Technology MCQs
1 Quiz Questions
Test 153: Introduction to Religion MCQs
3 Quiz Questions
Test 154: Introduction to Social Movements and Social Change MCQs
7 Quiz Questions
Test 155: Introduction to Socialization MCQs
1 Quiz Questions
Test 156: Introduction to Sociological Research MCQs
1 Quiz Questions
Test 157: Introduction to Work and Economy MCQs
5 Quiz Questions
Test 158: Islam MCQs
8 Quiz Questions
Test 159: Issues in Education MCQs
1 Quiz Questions
Test 160: Judaism MCQs
4 Quiz Questions
Test 161: Karl Marx MCQs
7 Quiz Questions
Test 162: Karl Marx and Conflict Theory MCQs
6 Quiz Questions
Test 163: Karl Marx: An Unequal System MCQs
5 Quiz Questions
Test 164: Key Terms MCQs
38 Quiz Questions
Test 165: Kohlberg Theory of Moral Development MCQs
2 Quiz Questions
Test 166: Labeling Theory MCQs
6 Quiz Questions
Test 167: Latent Functions MCQs
4 Quiz Questions
Test 168: Latin America MCQs
1 Quiz Questions
Test 169: Levels of Social Movements MCQs
1 Quiz Questions
Test 170: Liberation Theology MCQs
2 Quiz Questions
Test 171: Life-Changing Functions MCQs
1 Quiz Questions
Test 172: Local MCQs
2 Quiz Questions
Test 173: Low-Income Nations MCQs
4 Quiz Questions
Test 174: Lower Class MCQs
6 Quiz Questions
Test 175: Malthusian Theory MCQs
1 Quiz Questions
Test 176: Manifest Functions MCQs
2 Quiz Questions
Test 177: Marriage Patterns MCQs
1 Quiz Questions
Test 178: Mass Media MCQs
2 Quiz Questions
Test 179: Max Weber and Symbolic Interactions MCQs
4 Quiz Questions
Test 180: McDonaldization of Society MCQs
10 Quiz Questions
Test 181: Media and Technology in Society MCQs
2 Quiz Questions
Test 182: Media Globalization MCQs
6 Quiz Questions
Test 183: Mega churches MCQs
6 Quiz Questions
Test 184: Mental Health MCQs
16 Quiz Questions
Test 185: Meritocracy MCQs
1 Quiz Questions
Test 186: Middle Class MCQs
4 Quiz Questions
Test 187: Middle-Income Nations MCQs
1 Quiz Questions
Test 188: mile Durkheim and Functionalism MCQs
3 Quiz Questions
Test 189: mile Durkheim: Essential Nature of Deviance MCQs
2 Quiz Questions
Test 190: Mistreatment and Abuse MCQs
7 Quiz Questions
Test 191: Models of Global Stratification MCQs
7 Quiz Questions
Test 192: Modernization MCQs
2 Quiz Questions
Test 193: Modernization theory MCQs
2 Quiz Questions
Test 194: Monarchy MCQs
7 Quiz Questions
Test 195: National MCQs
2 Quiz Questions
Test 196: Native Americans MCQs
1 Quiz Questions
Test 197: Nature versus Nurture MCQs
4 Quiz Questions
Test 198: New Media MCQs
1 Quiz Questions
Test 199: No Child Left Behind MCQs
1 Quiz Questions
Test 200: Norms MCQs
3 Quiz Questions
Test 201: Oligarchy MCQs
6 Quiz Questions
Test 202: One Partner or Many MCQs
6 Quiz Questions
Test 203: Participant Observation MCQs
8 Quiz Questions
Test 204: Pastoral MCQs
1 Quiz Questions
Test 205: Peer Groups MCQs
2 Quiz Questions
Test 206: Phases of Aging: Young-Old, Middle-Old, and Old-Old MCQs
2 Quiz Questions
Test 207: Pluralism MCQs
1 Quiz Questions
Test 208: Polarization in Workforce MCQs
4 Quiz Questions
Test 209: Police MCQs
1 Quiz Questions
Test 210: Politics In United States MCQs
4 Quiz Questions
Test 211: Pollution MCQs
1 Quiz Questions
Test 212: Population MCQs
1 Quiz Questions
Test 213: Population Growth MCQs
5 Quiz Questions
Test 214: Postindustrial Societies and Information Age MCQs
17 Quiz Questions
Test 215: Postindustrial Society MCQs
3 Quiz Questions
Test 216: Poverty in United States MCQs
10 Quiz Questions
Test 217: Power and Authority MCQs
4 Quiz Questions
Test 218: Preindustrial Societies MCQs
1 Quiz Questions
Test 219: Prejudice and Racism MCQs
1 Quiz Questions
Test 220: Presentation of Self MCQs
10 Quiz Questions
Test 221: Print Newspaper MCQs
6 Quiz Questions
Test 222: Psychological Perspectives on Self-Development MCQs
2 Quiz Questions
Test 223: Queer Theory MCQs
1 Quiz Questions
Test 224: Race and Ethnicity in United States MCQs
2 Quiz Questions
Test 225: Race, Gender, and Class Issues MCQs
6 Quiz Questions
Test 226: Racial, Ethnic, and Minority Groups MCQs
1 Quiz Questions
Test 227: Rational-Legal Authority MCQs
2 Quiz Questions
Test 228: Religion and Social Change MCQs
1 Quiz Questions
Test 229: Research Existing Sources MCQs
1 Quiz Questions
Test 230: Research Method MCQs
4 Quiz Questions
Test 231: Residency and Lines of Descent MCQs
14 Quiz Questions
Test 232: Resocialization MCQs
7 Quiz Questions
Test 233: Resource Mobilization MCQs
4 Quiz Questions
Test 234: Rising Student Loan Debt MCQs
1 Quiz Questions
Test 235: Robert Merton: Strain Theory MCQs
2 Quiz Questions
Test 236: Roles and Status MCQs
6 Quiz Questions
Test 237: Same-Sex Couples MCQs
5 Quiz Questions
Test 238: Scientific Method MCQs
8 Quiz Questions
Test 239: Secondary Data Analysis MCQs
3 Quiz Questions
Test 240: Secularization MCQs
3 Quiz Questions
Test 241: Segregation MCQs
6 Quiz Questions
Test 242: Sex Education MCQs
2 Quiz Questions
Test 243: Sexual Attitudes and Practices MCQs
3 Quiz Questions
Test 244: Sexual Orientation MCQs
6 Quiz Questions
Test 245: Sexuality around World MCQs
1 Quiz Questions
Test 246: Single Parents MCQs
2 Quiz Questions
Test 247: Slavery MCQs
3 Quiz Questions
Test 248: Social and Psychological Changes MCQs
2 Quiz Questions
Test 249: Social Change MCQs
2 Quiz Questions
Test 250: Social Classes in United States MCQs
2 Quiz Questions
Test 251: Social Construction of Health MCQs
5 Quiz Questions
Test 252: Social Construction of Illness Experience MCQs
3 Quiz Questions
Test 253: Social Construction of Medical Knowledge MCQs
1 Quiz Questions
Test 254: Social Construction of Reality MCQs
1 Quiz Questions
Test 255: Social Constructions of Reality MCQs
2 Quiz Questions
Test 256: Social Control MCQs
7 Quiz Questions
Test 257: Social Disorganization Theory MCQs
1 Quiz Questions
Test 258: Social Group Agents MCQs
2 Quiz Questions
Test 259: Social Mobility MCQs
7 Quiz Questions
Test 260: Social Movements MCQs
1 Quiz Questions
Test 261: Social Networking and Social Construction MCQs
6 Quiz Questions
Test 262: Social Norm Functions MCQs
2 Quiz Questions
Test 263: Social Stratification and Inequality MCQs
2 Quiz Questions
Test 264: Social Stratification and Mobility in united states MCQs
2 Quiz Questions
Test 265: Socialism MCQs
10 Quiz Questions
Test 266: Socialism in Practice MCQs
4 Quiz Questions
Test 267: Socialization MCQs
4 Quiz Questions
Test 268: Socialization Across Life Course MCQs
2 Quiz Questions
Test 269: Sociological Approach to Religion MCQs
5 Quiz Questions
Test 270: Sociological Perspectives on Sex and Sexuality MCQs
2 Quiz Questions
Test 271: Sociological Theories of Self Development MCQs
1 Quiz Questions
Test 272: Sociological Theories or Perspectives MCQs
1 Quiz Questions
Test 273: Sociology in Workplace MCQs
1 Quiz Questions
Test 274: Soil MCQs
3 Quiz Questions
Test 275: Stages of Family Life MCQs
4 Quiz Questions
Test 276: Stages of Social Movements MCQs
3 Quiz Questions
Test 277: Standard of Living MCQs
2 Quiz Questions
Test 278: Status Consistency MCQs
3 Quiz Questions
Test 279: Staying Single MCQs
5 Quiz Questions
Test 280: Stereotypes MCQs
5 Quiz Questions
Test 281: Structural Functionalism MCQs
3 Quiz Questions
Test 282: Studying Aging Populations MCQs
1 Quiz Questions
Test 283: Subculture and Counterculture MCQs
2 Quiz Questions
Test 284: Suburbs and Exurbs MCQs
7 Quiz Questions
Test 285: Summary MCQs
11 Quiz Questions
Test 286: Summary: Aging and Elderly MCQs
6 Quiz Questions
Test 287: Summery MCQs
3 Quiz Questions
Test 288: Surveys MCQs
8 Quiz Questions
Test 289: Symbolic Interactionism MCQs
15 Quiz Questions
Test 290: Symbolic Interactionist Perspective MCQs
2 Quiz Questions
Test 291: Symbolic Interactions MCQs
37 Quiz Questions
Test 292: Symbolic Interactions Theory MCQs
3 Quiz Questions
Test 293: Symbols and Language MCQs
11 Quiz Questions
Test 294: Systems of Stratification MCQs
3 Quiz Questions
Test 295: Taoism MCQs
3 Quiz Questions
Test 296: Teacher Training MCQs
1 Quiz Questions
Test 297: Technological Globalization MCQs
3 Quiz Questions
Test 298: Technological Inequality MCQs
2 Quiz Questions
Test 299: Technology MCQs
3 Quiz Questions
Test 300: Technology Today MCQs
1 Quiz Questions
Test 301: Television and Radio MCQs
5 Quiz Questions
Test 302: Theoretical Perspectives MCQs
11 Quiz Questions
Test 303: Theoretical Perspectives on Aging MCQs
1 Quiz Questions
Test 304: Theoretical Perspectives on Culture MCQs
17 Quiz Questions
Test 305: Theoretical Perspectives on Deviance MCQs
1 Quiz Questions
Test 306: Theoretical Perspectives on Education MCQs
2 Quiz Questions
Test 307: Theoretical Perspectives on Global Stratification MCQs
1 Quiz Questions
Test 308: Theoretical Perspectives on Government and Power MCQs
2 Quiz Questions
Test 309: Theoretical Perspectives on Health and Medicine MCQs
1 Quiz Questions
Test 310: Theoretical Perspectives on Religion MCQs
2 Quiz Questions
Test 311: Theoretical Perspectives on Social Movements MCQs
1 Quiz Questions
Test 312: Theoretical Perspectives on Society MCQs
1 Quiz Questions
Test 313: Theoretical Perspectives on Urbanization MCQs
9 Quiz Questions
Test 314: Toxic and Radioactive Waste MCQs
5 Quiz Questions
Test 315: Traditional authority MCQs
1 Quiz Questions
Test 316: Types of Authority MCQs
5 Quiz Questions
Test 317: Types of Crimes MCQs
10 Quiz Questions
Test 318: Types of Formal Organizations MCQs
4 Quiz Questions
Test 319: Types of Groups MCQs
10 Quiz Questions
Test 320: Types of Poverty MCQs
5 Quiz Questions
Test 321: Types of Religions MCQs
4 Quiz Questions
Test 322: Types of Religious Organizations MCQs
10 Quiz Questions
Test 323: Types of Social Movements MCQs
6 Quiz Questions
Test 324: Types of Societies MCQs
4 Quiz Questions
Test 325: United States Criminal Justice System MCQs
1 Quiz Questions
Test 326: Upper Class MCQs
4 Quiz Questions
Test 327: Urbanization MCQs
1 Quiz Questions
Test 328: Urbanization around World MCQs
5 Quiz Questions
Test 329: Urbanization in United States MCQs
2 Quiz Questions
Test 330: Value Added Theory MCQs
9 Quiz Questions
Test 331: Values and Beliefs MCQs
17 Quiz Questions
Test 332: Variations in Family Life MCQs
1 Quiz Questions
Test 333: Violence and Abuse MCQs
3 Quiz Questions
Test 334: Voter Participation MCQs
1 Quiz Questions
Test 335: Water MCQs
6 Quiz Questions
Test 336: What are Minority Groups MCQs
1 Quiz Questions
Test 337: What Are Society and Culture MCQs
2 Quiz Questions
Test 338: What Is Culture MCQs
5 Quiz Questions
Test 339: What Is Ethnicity MCQs
2 Quiz Questions
Test 340: What Is Globalization MCQs
17 Quiz Questions
Test 341: What Is Marriage and Family MCQs
13 Quiz Questions
Test 342: What is Power MCQs
7 Quiz Questions
Test 343: What Is Race MCQs
3 Quiz Questions
Test 344: What Is Social Stratification MCQs
11 Quiz Questions
Test 345: What is Sociology MCQs
4 Quiz Questions
Test 346: White Ethnic Americans MCQs
1 Quiz Questions
Test 347: Who are Elderly: Aging in Society MCQs
8 Quiz Questions
Test 348: Who are Impoverished MCQs
1 Quiz Questions
Test 349: Why Socialization Matters MCQs
2 Quiz Questions
Test 350: Why They Came MCQs
7 Quiz Questions
Test 351: Work in United States MCQs
2 Quiz Questions
Test 352: World Bank Economic Classification by Income MCQs
1 Quiz Questions
Test 353: World Religions MCQs
1 Quiz Questions
Test 354: Wright Mills: Power Elite MCQs
1 Quiz Questions
Test 355: Zero Population Growth MCQs
1 Quiz Questions

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