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Histology Practice Test 8

Elements of Neural Retina Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) PDF Download - 8

The Elements of Neural Retina MCQ with Answers PDF (Elements of Neural Retina Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) PDF e-Book) download Ch. 19-8 to prepare Histology Practice Tests. Learn Eye Retina Test PDF, Elements of Neural Retina Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) for best online colleges. The Elements of Neural Retina MCQ App Download: Free certification app for choroid, fibrous coat, hypophysis, layers of retina and pigment epithelium, elements of neural retina test prep to study biological sciences major courses.

The MCQ: The length of the cones is about; "Elements of Neural Retina" App (Free Android & iOS) with answers: 40 µm; 30 µm; 60 µm; 80 µm; for best online colleges. Practice Eye Retina Questions and Answers, Apple e-Book to download free sample for online college classes.

Elements of Neural Retina MCQ Quiz with Answers PDF Download: Test 8

MCQ 36:

The length of the cones is about

  1. 30 µm
  2. 40 µm
  3. 60 µm
  4. 80 µm
MCQ 37:

The innermost layer of the eyeball is called as

  1. iris
  2. pupil
  3. retina
  4. sclera
MCQ 38:

The adenohypophysis is also called as

  1. anterior pituitary
  2. posterior pituitary
  3. lateral pituitary
  4. pars nervosa
MCQ 39:

The collagenous fiber comprises of

  1. cornea only
  2. sclera only
  3. iris
  4. cornea and sclera
MCQ 40:

A homogeneous, thin shiny layer that bordered on the pigment epithelium of the retina is called

  1. Bruch's membrane only
  2. lamina vitrea only
  3. iris
  4. Bruch's membrane and lamina vitrea

Histology Exam Prep Tests

Elements of Neural Retina Textbook App: Free Download iOS & Android

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Elements of Neural Retina App (Android & iOS)

Elements of Neural Retina App (Android & iOS)

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