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Principles of Marketing Certification Exam Tests

Principles Of Marketing Practice Test 95

Product Mix Pricing Strategies Quiz Questions with Answers PDF Download - 95

The Product Mix Pricing Strategies Trivia Questions and Answers PDF (Product Mix Pricing Strategies Quiz Answers PDF e-Book) download Ch. 15-95 to solve Principles of Marketing Practice Tests. Learn Pricing Strategy MCQ Questions PDF, Product Mix Pricing Strategies Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) for online masters in marketing. The Product Mix Pricing Strategies Trivia App Download: Free educational app for product mix pricing strategies, good value pricing, relative prices, sales promotion, model of consumer behavior test prep for online college classes.

The Quiz: The consumer promotion technique in which products are offered at low cost or free of cost on purchase of new product is classified as; "Product Mix Pricing Strategies" App (iOS, Android) with answers: Coupon; Sample; Premium; Cash refunds; for online college classes. Study Pricing Strategy Questions and Answers, Google eBook to download free sample for online degrees.

Product Mix Pricing Strategies Quiz with Answers PDF Download: MCQs 95

MCQ 471:

The consumer promotion technique in which products are offered at low cost or free of cost on purchase of new product is classified as

  1. sample
  2. coupon
  3. premium
  4. cash refunds
MCQ 472:

The market segmented on the basis of the degree level such as 'high school graduates and college graduates' is classified as

  1. geographic segmentation
  2. demographic segmentation
  3. psychographic segmentation
  4. behavioral segmentation
MCQ 473:

The new product pricing strategy through which company makes more profitable sales by selling out fewer units is classified as

  1. optional product pricing
  2. price skimming
  3. price penetration
  4. product line pricing
MCQ 474:

The first step of value based pricing is to

  1. assess needs of customer
  2. set target price
  3. determine incurred costs
  4. design product
MCQ 475:

The logistic network through which the unwanted or excess products by resellers or consumers is classified as

  1. inbound distribution
  2. outbound distribution
  3. forward distribution
  4. reverse distribution

Principles Of Marketing Exam Prep Tests

Product Mix Pricing Strategies Learning App: Free Download Android & iOS

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Product Mix Pricing Strategies App (Android & iOS)

Product Mix Pricing Strategies App (Android & iOS)

Marketing Principles App (Android & iOS)

Marketing Principles App (iOS & Android)

Human Resource Management (BBA) App (Android & iOS)

Human Resource Management (BBA) App (Android & iOS)

Marketing Management App (Android & iOS)

Marketing Management App (iOS & Android)