BBA Marketing Degree Courses

Chapter 3: Principles of Marketing Exam Tests

Principles of Marketing MCQs - Chapter 3

Company and Marketing Strategy Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) PDF Download - 1

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Company & Marketing Strategy MCQ with Answers PDF Download: Quiz 1

MCQ 1:

Considering competitive positions, the firm other than market leader who is fighting hard in its industry to increase market share is classified as

  1. market follower
  2. market niche
  3. market challenger
  4. market leader
MCQ 2:

The Company whose strategies are in accordance to strategy of other competitive firms in industry is classified as

  1. profit centered company
  2. market centered company
  3. competitor centered company
  4. customer centered company
MCQ 3:

The primary data which is gathered by observing relevant actions and people is called

  1. experimental research
  2. ethnographic research
  3. observational research
  4. survey research
MCQ 4:

The analysis conducted to examine benefits that are seek by customers and how customers value offers of competitors is classified as

  1. customer value analysis
  2. corporate image analysis
  3. strategic behavior analysis
  4. benchmarking
MCQ 5:

The international markets can be segmented on the basis of factors such as

  1. geographic location
  2. cultural factors
  3. economic factors
  4. all of above

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Company & Marketing Strategy App (Android & iOS)

Company & Marketing Strategy App (Android & iOS)

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