BBA Marketing Degree Courses

Chapter 16: Principles of Marketing Exam Tests

Principles of Marketing MCQs - Chapter 16

Pricing: Capturing Customer Value Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) PDF Download - 1

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Pricing Capturing Customer Value MCQ with Answers PDF Download: Quiz 1

MCQ 1:

The 'Regent Seven Seas Cruise Line' targets customers seeking elegant ambiance for holidays is example of

  1. geographic segmentation
  2. income segmentation
  3. psychographic segmentation
  4. behavioral segmentation
MCQ 2:

The marketers can build up demand of a particular product by

  1. associating with strong motives
  2. using motivating cues
  3. positive reinforcement
  4. all of above
MCQ 3:

The remembrance of good points that are related to choose a brand as compared to competing brands is called

  1. selective attention
  2. selective distortion
  3. selective retention
  4. both a and b
MCQ 4:

The adopter group 'late majority' is classified as

  1. deliberate
  2. guided by respect
  3. skeptical
  4. tradition bound
MCQ 5:

According to sustainable marketing, the major movements includes

  1. consumerism
  2. seller's extremism
  3. environmentalism
  4. both a and c

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Pricing Capturing Customer Value App (Android & iOS)

Pricing Capturing Customer Value App (Android & iOS)

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