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MBA Human Resource Management Online Tests

Retirement Benefit Plan MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions) PDF Download

The Retirement Benefit Plan Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) with Answers PDF (Retirement Benefit Plan MCQ PDF e-Book) download to practice MBA Human Resource Management Tests. Learn Managing Employee Benefits Multiple Choice Questions and Answers (MCQs), Retirement Benefit Plan quiz answers PDF for online business management degree. The Retirement Benefit Plan MCQ App Download: Free learning app for strategic perspectives on benefits, employee benefits security, retirement security benefits, health care benefits test prep for MBA rotational programs.

The MCQ: The type of pension plan in which all the benefits of pension are provided by the employer of organization is classified as; "Retirement Benefit Plan" App Download (Free) with answers: Contributory plan; Non-contributory plan; Non-discretionary plan; Discretionary plan; for online business management degree. Practice Retirement Benefit Plan Quiz Questions, download Google eBook (Free Sample) for best MBA programs.

Retirement Benefit Plan MCQs PDF: Questions Answers Download

MCQ 1:

The pension plan in which the benefits of pension is paid in by both parties involved, such as employers and employees is classified as

  1. non-discretionary plan
  2. discretionary plan
  3. contributory plan
  4. non-contributory plan
MCQ 2:

The type of pension plan in which all the benefits of pension are provided by the employer of organization is classified as

  1. contributory plan
  2. non-contributory plan
  3. non-discretionary plan
  4. discretionary plan
MCQ 3:

In pension plans for employees, the special account through which the funds are remained nontaxable until the employee retires is classified as

  1. Keogh retirement account
  2. vesting account
  3. portability account
  4. individual retirement account
MCQ 4:

The kind of benefit plan in which the employee is promised to get a pension amount based on the service and age of employee is classified as

  1. contributory plan
  2. defined benefit plan
  3. defined contribution plan
  4. noncontributory plan
MCQ 5:

The kind of benefit plan in which the annual payment of pension is made to employee's pension account is classified as

  1. defined contribution plan
  2. noncontributory plan
  3. contributory plan
  4. defined benefit plan

MBA Human Resource Management Practice Tests

Retirement Benefit Plan Learning App: Free Download Android & iOS

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Retirement Benefit Plan App (Android & iOS)

Retirement Benefit Plan App (Android & iOS)

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