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Principles of Marketing Certification Exam Tests

Principles Of Marketing Practice Test 1

Understanding Marketplace and Customer Needs Quiz Questions and Answers PDF Download

The Understanding Marketplace and Customer Needs Quiz Questions and Answers PDF (Understanding Marketplace and Customer Needs Quiz with Answers PDF e-Book) download Ch. 9-1 to prepare Principles of Marketing Practice Tests. Solve Introduction to Marketing MCQ with answers PDF, Understanding Marketplace and Customer Needs Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) for free online classes. The Understanding Marketplace and Customer Needs Quiz App Download: Free learning app for understanding marketplace and customer needs, product mix pricing strategies, sales promotion, total promotion mix and budget, customer databases and direct marketing test prep for online BBA courses.

The Quiz MCQ: The market offering that is essentially intangible is called; "Understanding Marketplace & Customer Needs" App Download (Free) with answers: Products; Services; Commodity; Competitive edge; for free online classes. Learn Introduction to Marketing Questions and Answers, Apple eBook to download free sample for online marketing certifications.

Understanding Marketplace & Customer Needs Questions and Answers PDF Download: MCQ 1

MCQ 1:

The market offering that is essentially intangible is called

  1. services
  2. products
  3. commodity
  4. competitive edge
MCQ 2:

In the personal selling process, the step which consists of identifying potential customers is classified as

  1. presenting quota
  2. demonstrating quota
  3. prospecting
  4. qualifying
MCQ 3:

The geographical pricing technique in which company charges same base price plus same freight without considering location of customer is called

  1. freight on board origin pricing
  2. zone pricing
  3. basing point pricing
  4. uniform delivered pricing
MCQ 4:

The cost of products or services are considered to set

  1. floor for cost
  2. ceiling for prices
  3. floor for prices
  4. ceiling for cost
MCQ 5:

The highly involved consumer buying behavior while perceiving significant differences between brands is called

  1. complex buoying behavior
  2. variety seeking buying behavior
  3. dissonance reducing buying behavior
  4. habitual buying behavior

Principles Of Marketing Exam Prep Tests

Understanding Marketplace & Customer Needs Learning App: Free Download (Android & iOS)

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Understanding Marketplace & Customer Needs App (Android & iOS)

Understanding Marketplace & Customer Needs App (Android & iOS)

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Marketing Principles App (iOS & Android)

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Business Mathematics App (Android & iOS)

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