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Principles of Marketing Practice Tests

Principles of Marketing Online Tests

Managing New-Product Development MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions) PDF Download

The Managing New-Product Development Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) with Answers PDF (Managing New-Product Development MCQ PDF e-Book) download to practice Principles of Marketing Tests. Learn New Product Development Multiple Choice Questions and Answers (MCQs), Managing New-Product Development quiz answers PDF to study online schools courses. The Managing New-Product Development MCQ App Download: Free learning app for new product development process, product life cycle strategies test prep for business administration degree courses.

The MCQ: The market segmentation based on customers race and nationality is an example of; "Managing New-Product Development" App Download (Free) with answers: Geographic segmentation; Demographic segmentation; Psychographic segmentation; Behavioral segmentation; to study online schools courses. Practice Managing New-Product Development Quiz Questions, download Google eBook (Free Sample) for online schools for business management.

Managing New-Product Development MCQs PDF: Questions Answers Download

MCQ 1:

The market segmented on the basis of knowledge level of customers regarding such as 'unaware, aware, interested and desirous customers' is included in

  1. geographic segmentation
  2. demographic segmentation
  3. psychographic segmentation
  4. behavioral segmentation
MCQ 2:

The market segmentation based on customers race and nationality is an example of

  1. geographic segmentation
  2. demographic segmentation
  3. psychographic segmentation
  4. behavioral segmentation
MCQ 3:

The 'differentiated marketing' is also called

  1. mass marketing
  2. segmented marketing
  3. concentrated marketing
  4. micromarketing
MCQ 4:

After company has positioned itself, it should take steps to

  1. communicate the positioning
  2. differentiation
  3. establish distribution channels
  4. none of above
MCQ 5:

MnM's prepares special ads and packaging of chocolate candies for Christmas, Easter and Halloween is an example of

  1. geographic segmentation
  2. income segmentation
  3. psychographic segmentation
  4. occasion segmentation

Principles Of Marketing Practice Tests

Managing New-Product Development Learning App: Free Download Android & iOS

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Managing New-Product Development App (Android & iOS)

Managing New-Product Development App (Android & iOS)

Marketing Principles App (Android & iOS)

Marketing Principles App (iOS & Android)

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Financial Markets App (iOS & Android)