BBA Management Degree Courses

BBA Marketing Management Certification Exam Tests

BBA Marketing Management Practice Test 85

Marketing Channels Role Quiz Questions and Answers PDF Download - 85

The Marketing Channels Role Quiz Questions and Answers PDF (Marketing Channels Role Quiz with Answers PDF e-Book) download Ch. 13-85 to prepare BBA Marketing Management Practice Tests. Solve Integrated Marketing Channels MCQ with answers PDF, Marketing Channels Role Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) for business management degree online. The Marketing Channels Role Quiz App Download: Free learning app for marketing channels role, product failure, what is organizational buying, determinants of demand, estimating costs test prep for online business management classes.

The Quiz: The functions of marketing channels such as storage, title and movement of goods, create flow of activity in; "Marketing Channels Role" App Download (Free) with answers: Backward direction; Forward direction; Leftward direction; Rightward direction; for business management degree online. Learn Integrated Marketing Channels Questions and Answers, Apple eBook to download free sample for digital marketing masters programs.

Marketing Channels Role Questions and Answers PDF Download: MCQ 85

MCQ 421:

The functions of marketing channels such as storage, title and movement of goods, create flow of activity in

  1. forward direction
  2. backward direction
  3. leftward direction
  4. rightward direction
MCQ 422:

The type of product failure can cause any embarrassment in front of family and friends is classified as

  1. social risk
  2. attitude risk
  3. psychological risk
  4. physiological risk
MCQ 423:

With the passage of time, the new-buy situations become

  1. straight rebuy
  2. straight buy
  3. new rebuy
  4. modified rebuy
MCQ 424:

The demand curve for the prestige goods slopes is

  1. upward
  2. downward
  3. leftward
  4. rightward
MCQ 425:

If the total cost is $70000 and the level of production is 30000 units then the average cost will be

  1. $2.33
  2. $3.33
  3. $4.33
  4. $5.33

BBA Marketing Management Exam Prep Tests

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Marketing Channels Role App (Android & iOS)

Marketing Channels Role App (Android & iOS)

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