BBA: Management Courses

BBA Marketing Management Certification Exam Tests

BBA Marketing Management Practice Test 131

Promotional Pricing Quiz PDF: Questions and Answers - 131

Free Promotional Pricing Quiz Questions and Answers, promotional pricing Quiz MCQs PDF, chapter 11-131 to study online marketing management degree programs. Study Developing Pricing Strategies MCQ Questions PDF, promotional pricing Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) for online college degrees. Free educational app: Promotional Pricing Trivia App Download & e-Book for promotional pricing, product line length, what is organizational buying, forecasting and demand measurement, market targeting test prep for online business administration degree.

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Promotional Pricing Questions and Answers PDF Download: Quiz 131

MCQ 651: The low prices of shoes for marathon participating athletes is an example of

A) special customer pricing
B) special event pricing
C) loss leader pricing
D) cash rebates

MCQ 652: The ways in which a company can do the product line stretching are

A) down-market stretch
B) up-market stretch
C) Two-way stretch
D) all of the above

MCQ 653: The buying situation in which purchases are ordered from suppliers on an approved list is classified as

A) modified task
B) straight rebuy
C) new task
D) modified rebuy

MCQ 654: The price margins fall and price competition increases when the index of market penetration is

A) high
B) low
C) zero
D) fixed

MCQ 655: When any firm sells its market offering too many different market segments, it is classified as

A) product specialization
B) market specialization
C) single product concentration
D) mass customization

BBA Marketing Management Exam Prep Tests

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