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Financial Management Practice Test 133

Bond Yield and Bond Risk Premium Quiz Questions and Answers PDF Download - 133

The Bond Yield and Bond Risk Premium Quiz Questions and Answers PDF (Bond Yield and Bond Risk Premium Quiz with Answers PDF e-Book) download Ch. 5-133 to prepare Financial Management Practice Tests. Solve Cost of Capital MCQ with answers PDF, Bond Yield and Bond Risk Premium Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) for bachelor's degree in business. The Bond Yield and Bond Risk Premium Quiz App Download: Free learning app for bond yield and bond risk premium, cost analysis, assumptions of capital asset pricing model, profitability index, bond valuations test prep to learn online certificate courses.

The Quiz MCQ: The cost of equity which is raised by reinvesting earnings internally must be higher than the; "Bond Yield & Bond Risk Premium" App Download (Free) with answers: Cost of new common equity; Cost of initial offering; Cost of preferred equity; Cost of floatation; for bachelor's degree in business. Learn Cost of Capital Questions and Answers, Apple eBook to download free sample for bachelors degree online.

Bond Yield & Bond Risk Premium Questions and Answers PDF Download: MCQ 133

MCQ 661:

The cost of equity which is raised by reinvesting earnings internally must be higher than the

  1. cost of initial offering
  2. cost of new common equity
  3. cost of preferred equity
  4. cost of floatation
MCQ 662:

The cost which has occurred already and not affected by decisions is classified as

  1. sunk cost
  2. occurred cost
  3. weighted cost
  4. mean cost
MCQ 663:

In capital asset pricing model, the investors assume that buying and selling activity will

  1. affect stock prices
  2. not affect stock prices
  3. have high taxes
  4. high transaction cost
MCQ 664:

An initial cost is $6000 and the probability index is 5.6 then the present value of cash flows will be

  1. 25000
  2. 28000
  3. 33600
  4. 30000
MCQ 665:

The yield of interest rate which is below than coupon rate, this yield is classified as

  1. yield to maturity
  2. yield to call
  3. yield to earnings
  4. yield to investors

Financial Management Exam Prep Tests

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Bond Yield & Bond Risk Premium App (Android & iOS)

Bond Yield & Bond Risk Premium App (Android & iOS)

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