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Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management MCQ Questions and Answers 4 PDF Download

Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ), investment analysis and portfolio management quiz answers PDF, MBA test prep 4 for online MBA degree programs.

"Total portfolio hazard is" Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) on investment analysis and portfolio management with choices equal to systematic risk plus unavoidable risk, equal to systematic risk plus diversifiable risk, equal to avoidable risk plus diversifiable risk, and equal to systematic risk plus no diversifiable risk to learn online training courses. Practice jobs' assessment test, online learning total risk quiz questions for good online MBA programs.

MCQs on Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management Quiz 4 PDF Download eBook

MCQ: Total portfolio hazard is

  1. equal to systematic risk plus diversifiable risk
  2. equal to systematic risk plus unavoidable risk
  3. equal to avoidable risk plus diversifiable risk
  4. equal to systematic risk plus no diversifiable risk


MCQ: Non-systematic risk is furthermore identified as

  1. no diversifiable risk
  2. market risk
  3. random risk
  4. company specific risk


MCQ: Investors should be agreeing to invest in riskier investments merely

  1. if return is short
  2. if there are no safe alternatives except for holding cash
  3. if expected return is adequate for risk level
  4. if there are true speculators


MCQ: Hold two securities as an alternative of will not decrease hazard occupied by an investor if two securities are

  1. perfectively positive correlated
  2. perfectively negative correlated
  3. no correlation
  4. all of answer correct


MCQ: Markowitz efficient hypothesis initiated in

  1. 1958
  2. 1959
  3. 1961
  4. 1960