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Islamic Banking Multiple Choice Multiple Choice Questions PDF Download

Islamic Banking Multiple Choice Questions and Answers (MCQs), islamic banking quiz answers PDF, MBA test prep 1 for online MBA degree programs.

"Banking or banking action that is consistent with the main beliefs of Shariah and its realistic application from beginning to end the improvement of Islamic economics is" Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) on islamic banking with choices development bank, islamic banking, conventional banking, and b& c for MBA degrees online. Practice jobs' assessment test, online learning islamic banking quiz questions for top part time MBA programs.

MCQs on Islamic Banking Quiz 1 PDF Download eBook

MCQ: Banking or banking action that is consistent with main beliefs of Shariah and its realistic application from beginning to end improvement of Islamic economics is

  1. islamic banking
  2. development Bank
  3. conventional banking
  4. b& c


MCQ: A number of Islamic banks were formed to provide to this particular banking market in late

  1. 20th century
  2. 19th century
  3. 18th century
  4. none of all of these


MCQ: A bank is considered as a custodian and trustee of money is

  1. Wadiah
  2. safekeeping
  3. a & b
  4. Hibah


MCQ: negotiation of a selling price among two parties exclusive of reference by seller to either costs or asking price is

  1. ijarah wa iqtna
  2. ijarah
  3. musawamah
  4. musharika


MCQ: earliest Islamic bank was established in Malaysia in

  1. 1980
  2. 1983
  3. 1982
  4. 1988