What is GRE and how to apply for It
Graduate Record Examination (GRE) is international accredited test that is mandatory for graduate and post graduate study in United States of America and some other countries. GRE is basically of two types; GRE general and GRE subject. Tests are available in two formats i. paper based test ii. Computer assisted test. The test comprises of almost 3 hours and 45 minutes that includes 10 to 14 minutes of break availability in between.
GRE is just like SAT and GMAT tests. it is basically divided into some parts that are analytical writing , quantitative reasoning and verbal reasoning. Here it is pertinent to mention that many tests in the world at academic entry level now are mostly on the same pattern as GRE, SAT. GRE general is basically consist of general knowledge on masters or graduate level and GRE subject involves knowledge of some subjects i.e. biochemistry, biology, chemistry, computer science, English, mathematics, physics, psychology. If you want to take admission in above mentioned areas you need to take GRE test with other universities with other specific requirements by universities.
It is very necessary to manage time during this time span. One key to success is practice, practice and practice because when you will practice more, you will be able to be aware with the test pattern and more you will practice more you will find time span and test format as an easy challenge for you. take this test as a project, arrange specific period of time for test preparation for specific period of time from different books and different related software but again I will recommend it will be useful when you will understand and practice it on daily basis.
To apply for GRE test, go to GRE official website create your account there. after logging in check all the given instructions and checklist for the test, fill on line given form for the test and you can choose for paper based tests or computer based test by paying specific amount of fee through Visa, master card or PayPal. You will choose available test center and test date and after processing all the documentation. As your process will be finished and process will be completed you will receive your test date and venue confirmation via email of postal address. You can even send test scores to your institutes on the test date.